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Thomas & Betts Model 25 Full Cutoff (With refractor door hanging down)

250 Watts High Pressure Sodium - From Brockton, Massachusetts.

1970s General Electric M400A PowrDoor

400 Watts High Mercury Vapor - From Brockton, Massachusetts.

General Electric M400A2 (With Glass Lens Missing)

400 Watts High Pressure Sodium - From Brockton, Massachusetts.

1957 Westinghouse OV-25 Silverliner

400 Watts Mercury Vapor - From Holbrook, Massachusetts.

1970s General Electric M400 (With terminal door missing)

400 Watts Mercury Vapor - From Holbrook, Massachusetts.

1959 General Electric M400 (With partially smashed glass lens)

400 Watts Mercury Vapor - From Holbrook, Massachusetts.

General Electric M250R2 Full Cutoff

150 Watts High Pressure Sodium - From Holbrook, Massachusetts.

1960s General Electric M250 Mercury Vapor Dayburner

100 Watts Mercury Vapor - From Holbrook, Massachusetts.

1997 General Electric M400A3 Full Cutoff

400 Watts Metal Halide - From Holbrook, Massachusetts.

Hubbell RLG (refractor door open)

400 Watts High Pressure Sodium - From Brockton, Massachusetts.

Thomas & Betts Model 327

400 Watts High Pressure Sodium - From Brockton, Massachusetts.

General Electric M250A (With plastic lens)

100 Watts Mercury Vapor - From Brockton, Massachusetts.

Cooper OVZ

70 Watts High Pressure Sodium - From Brockton, Massachusetts.

2 General Electric PF-400s

Both Use 250 Watts High Pressure Sodium - From Brockton, Massachusetts.

1985 General Electric M400R2

250 Watts High Pressure Sodium - From Hyde Park, Boston, Massachusetts.

1985 Crouse-Hinds OVM

400 Watts Mercury Vapor - From Hyde Park, Boston, Massachusetts.

Thomas & Betts Model 13

250 Watts Mercury Vapor - From Hyde Park, Boston, Massachusetts.

Crouse-Hinds L-250

250 Watts High Pressure Sodium - From Hyde Park, Boston, Massachusetts.

Left: Crouse-Hinds L-250; Right: Crouse-Hinds OVM

Both Use 250 Watts High Pressure Sodium - From Roslindale, Boston, Massachusetts.

Left: Crouse-Hinds L-250; Right: Cooper OVX

Both Use 250 Watts High Pressure Sodium - From Roslindale, Boston, Massachusetts.

McGraw Edison Unidor 175 (With Plastic Lens)

250 Watts Mercury Vapor - From Hyde Park, Boston, Massachusetts.

Thomas & Betts Model 113

250 Watts Mercury Vapor - From Hyde Park, Boston, Massachusetts.

4 Revere 2600s

400 Watts Mercury Vapor - From Brockton, Massachusetts.

Barn Light Dayburner with lens missing

250 Watts Mercury Vapor - From Brockton, Massachusetts.

Early Finned General Electric M-1000

1,000 Watts Mercury Vapor - From Brockton, Massachusetts.

Finned General Electric M-1000 (With A Wireguard Protecting The Glass Lens)

1,000 Watts Mercury Vapor - From Brockton, Massachusetts.

General Electric M-1000 (With A Wireguard Protecting The Glass Lens)

1,000 Watts Mercury Vapor - From Brockton, Massachusetts.

1957 Westinghouse OV-25 Silverliner (With Glass Lens Missing)

400 Watts Mercury Vapor - From Brockton, Massachusetts.

4 1964 Westinghouse OV-25 Silverliners

400 Watts Mercury Vapor - From Brockton, Massachusetts.

2 1957 Westinghouse OV-25 Silverliners & 2 Thomas & Betts Model 25s

400 Watts Mercury Vapor - From Brockton, Massachusetts.

3 1957 Westinghouse OV-25 Silverliners & Thomas & Betts Model 25 (With Plastic Lens)

400 Watts Mercury Vapor - From Brockton, Massachusetts.

General Electric Form of Acre (Circa 1960)

400 Watts Mercury Vapor - From Brockton, Massachusetts.

General Electric PF-400 HPS Dayburner

400 Watts High Pressure Sodium - From Brockton, Massachusetts.

1980 General Electric M400A1 PowrDoor Full Cutoff

250 Watts High Pressure Sodium - From Brockton, Massachusetts.

2 Thomas & Betts Model 25s

400 Watts High Pressure Sodium - From Brockton, Massachusetts.

1970s General Electric M250R Open Dayburner Night Scene

100 Watts Mercury Vapor - From Quincy, Massachusetts.

1980 General Electric M400A1 PowrDoor Full Cutoff Night Scene

400 Watts High Pressure Sodium - From Braintree, Massachusetts.

General Electric M250R2 & Fire Nema

150 Watts High Pressure Sodium - From Hyde Park, Boston, Massachusetts.

Parking Lot Lights at WalMart

400 Watts Metal Halide - From Brockton, Massachusetts.

Crouse-Hinds L-250 open

400 Watts High Pressure Sodium - From Stoughton, Massachusetts.

4 Holphane Fixtures

From Stoughton, Massachusetts.

General Electric HLX PowrFlood

1,000 Watts Mercury Vapor - From Canton, Massachusetts.

Crouse-Hinds OVS *Lowest HPS wattage*

35 Watts High Pressure Sodium - From Canton, Massachusetts.

Early American Electric Model 113

175 Watts Mercury Vapor - From Canton, Massachusetts.

General Electric M250R2

100 Watts Mercury Vapor - From Canton, Massachusetts.

Wheeler Boston Crescent Moon

Incandescent - From Canton, Massachusetts.

General Electric M250R2 (With Glass Lens Missing)

100 Watts High Pressure Sodium - From Canton, Massachusetts.

Thomas & Betts Model 113

100 Watts Mercury Vapor - From Canton, Massachusetts.

Cooper OVH

250 Watts High Pressure Sodium - From Brockton, Massachusetts.

1960s General Electric M400 (With Plastic Lens)

400 Watts Mercury Vapor - From Holbrook, Massachusetts.

Thomas & Betts Model 13 (With Plastic Lens)

50 Watts High Pressure Sodium - From Avon, Massachusetts.

Crouse-Hinds OVM (High Pressure Sodium) Dayburner

400 Watts High Pressure Sodium - From Avon, Massachusetts.

General Electric M250R2 (High Pressure Sodium) Dayburner

50 Watts High Pressure Sodium - From Avon, Massachusetts.

General Electric PF-400 (Black)

250 Watts High Pressure Sodium - From Brockon, Massachusetts.

1985 General Electric M400R2 (High Pressure Sodium) Dayburner

400 Watts High Pressure Sodium - From Brockon, Massachusetts.

Thomas & Betts Model 113 Full Cutoff

70 Watts High Pressure Sodium - From Bridgewater, Massachusetts.

1957 Westinghouse OV-25 Silverliners Night Scene

400 Watts Mercury Vapor - From Brockton, Massachusetts.

1964 Westinghouse OV-25 Silverliners Night Scene

400 Watts Mercury Vapor - From Brockton, Massachusetts.

2 1957 Westinghouse OV-25 Silverliners & 2 Thomas & Betts Model 25s Night Scene

400 Watts Mercury Vapor - From Brockton, Massachusetts.

Thomas & Betts Model 125s Night Scene

400 Watts Metal Halide - From Brockton, Massachusetts.

Hubbell RLGs Night Scene

400 Watts Metal Halide - From Brockton, Massachusetts.

Thomas & Betts Model 25 (High Pressure Sodium) Dayburner

400 Watts High Pressure Sodium - From Whitman, Massachusetts.

Crouse-Hinds OVS

100 Watts High Pressure Sodium - From Whitman, Massachusetts.

General Electric P-1000 PowrFlood

1,000 Watts Mercury Vapor - From Brockton, Massachusetts.

General Electric HLX PowrFlood

400 Watts Mercury Vapor - From Brockton, Massachusetts.

General Electric M250R2 Full Cutoff

100 Watts High Pressure Sodium - From Whitman, Massachusetts.

Finned Westinghouse OV-50 Silverliner

1,000 Watts Mercury Vapor - From Whitman, Massachusetts.

4 Thomas & Betts Model 25s

400 Watts High Pressure Sodium - From Whitman, Massachusetts.

Sylvania Powerlite B2255

400 Watts High Pressure Sodium - From Brockton, Massachusetts.

Left: General Electric HLX PowrFlood; Right: General Electric PF-400

Left: 400 Watts Mercury Vapor; Right: 400 Watts High Pressure Sodium - From Brockton, Massachusetts.

General Electric M250A2 Full Cutoff

150 Watts High Pressure Sodium - From Brockton, Massachusetts.

Thomas & Betts Model 25

400 Watts High Pressure Sodium - From Whitman, Massachusetts.

1970s General Electric M250R Night Scene

250 Watts Mercury Vapor - From Hyde Park, Boston, Massachusetts.

1985 General Electric M400R2 HPS Night Scene

250 Watts High Pressure Sodium - From Hyde Park, Boston, Massachusetts.

Thomas & Betts Model 13 Night Scene

250 Watts Mercury Vapor - From Hyde Park, Boston, Massachusetts.

1985 General Electric M400R2 MV Night Scene

400 Watts Mercury Vapor - From Hyde Park, Boston, Massachusetts.

Thomas & Betts Model 125 MV Night Scene

400 Watts Mercury Vapor - From Hyde Park, Boston, Massachusetts.

Crouse-Hinds OVS MV Night Scene

250 Watts Mercury Vapor - From Hyde Park, Boston, Massachusetts.

1970s General Electric M400A Firing Up

400 Watts Mercury Vapor - From Hyde Park, Boston, Massachusetts.

Crouse-Hinds OVM Night Scene

400 Watts Mercury Vapor - From Hyde Park, Boston, Massachusetts.

Crouse-Hinds L-250 MV Night Scene

400 Watts Mercury Vapor - From Hyde Park, Boston, Massachusetts.

1970s General Electric M400A Night Scene

400 Watts Mercury Vapor - From Hyde Park, Boston, Massachusetts.

Thomas & Betts Model 25 Night Scene

400 Watts Mercury Vapor - From Hyde Park, Boston, Massachusetts.

Crouse-Hinds OVM Firing Up

400 Watts Mercury Vapor - From Hyde Park, Boston, Massachusetts.

1975 Westinghouse OV-25 Silverliner HPS Night Scene

400 Watts High Pressure Sodium - From Hyde Park, Boston, Massachusetts.

Cooper OVZ MV Night Scene

250 Watts Mercury Vapor - From Hyde Park, Boston, Massachusetts.

Cooper OVZ & Fire Nema Night Scene

250 Watts Mercury Vapor - From Hyde Park, Boston, Massachusetts.

1960s General Electric M400 Night Scene

400 Watts Mercury Vapor - From Hyde Park, Boston, Massachusetts.

2003 American Electric Model 115 (Mercury Vapor) Night Scene

250 Watts Mercury Vapor - From Hyde Park, Boston, Massachusetts.

McGraw Edison Unidor 175 Night Scene

250 Watts Mercury Vapor - From Hyde Park, Boston, Massachusetts.

1957 Westinghouse OV-25 Silverliner Night Scene

400 Watts Mercury Vapor - From Hyde Park, Boston, Massachusetts.

1975 Westinghouse OV-25 Silverliner Night Scene

400 Watts Mercury Vapor - From Hyde Park, Boston, Massachusetts.

1997 General Electric M400R3 MH Night Scene

250 Watts Metal Halide - From Hyde Park, Boston, Massachusetts.

Joslyn MV 121 "Spaceship"

400 Watts Mercury Vapor - From the John F. Kennedy Elementary School parking lot in Brockton, Massachusetts.

1980 General Electric M400A1 PowrDoor Full Cutoff

400 Watts High Pressure Sodium - From Braintree, Massachusetts.

Hubbell RMC Full Cutoff

250 Watts High Pressure Sodium - From Braintree, Massachusetts.

General Electric M250R2 Dayburner

100 Watts High Pressure Sodium - From Braintree, Massachusetts.

2003 American Electric Model 115

250 Watts Mercury Vapor - From Hyde Park, Boston, Massachusetts.

1957 Westinghouse OV-25 Silverliner

400 Watts Mercury Vapor - From Hyde Park, Boston, Massachusetts.

3 Revere 2700s

1,000 Watts Mercury Vapor - From Brockton, Massachusetts.

1970s General Electric M400A PowrDoor (With Glass Lens Missing)

400 Watts High Pressure Sodium - From Brockton, Massachusetts.

Cooper Rectalinear

400 Watts High Pressure Sodium - From Brockton, Massachusetts.

1959 General Electric M400 Night Scene

400 Watts Mercury Vapor - From Quincy, Massachusetts.

General Electric M400A2

400 Watts High Pressure Sodium - From Brockton, Massachusetts.

General Electric M250R2

150 Watts High Pressure Sodium - From Brockton, Massachusetts.

4 Thomas & Betts Model 125s

400 Watts Metal Halide - From Brockton, Massachusetts.

Thomas & Betts Model 13 Full Cutoff

100 Watts High Pressure Sodium - From Brockton, Massachusetts.

1997 General Electric M400R3 (With Glass Lens Missing)

400 Watts High Pressure Sodium - From Brockton, Massachusetts.

Cooper OVZ MV Dayburner

250 Watts Mercury Vapor - From Hyde Park, Boston, Massachusetts.

General Electric M250R2

250 Watts Mercury Vapor - From Hyde Park, Boston, Massachusetts.

Hubbell RLG (With Refractor Door Missing)

400 Watts Mercury Vapor - From Brockton, Massachusetts.

Cooper UTR Hammer (Metal Halide)

400 Watts Metal Halide - From Brockton, Massachusetts.

Hubbell RMC

250 Watts Mercury Vapor - From Brockton, Massachusetts.

Thomas & Betts Model 25 open

400 Watts High Pressure Sodium - From Brockton, Massachusetts.

Hubbell RLG open lit

400 Watts High Pressure Sodium - From Brockton, Massachusetts.

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