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Welcome to Trinity Church!
For decades, Trinity has been a church where you can bring your spiritual
questions (and your spiritually seeking friends) and know that you will always
be welcomed. When you go to church — for the first time in years or the first
time in a new town — you long to find a place you can feel at home … a place
where you feel safe.
• Safe to explore Christianity at your own pace
• Safe to bring your kids
• Safe to ask tough questions about faith
• Safe to grow spiritually
And it all begins with our weekend service:
Great music, in a warm and welcoming setting … friendly people greeting you
before the service, talking, laughing … your kids being welcomed by caring
leaders in the TrinityKidz ministry … not having to worry about being singled
out as a visitor or being pressured to give money… wearing clothes you’d wear to
a friend’s house … messages that are tied into everyday life … a place where you
feel safe.
Our website is designed with this same goal in mind: to help you ask questions,
find answers, seek insight into what Christianity is all about. And how Trinity
Church can help you along your spiritual journey … no matter from where you are
starting or to where you are heading.
Welcome to Trinity Church.