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From "How to Contact Space People" by Mr. Ted Owens (PK Man) Saucerian Press, Clarksburg West Virginia 1969



And now, dear reader, you will be utterly astonished at the following action. And you will have to pay close attention.

On June 1, 1966, I sent this letter to George Clark, of the CIA:

"Dear George:

The Si's today gave me some interesting information
to pass on.  Seems that when they flew near some police cars,
in a recent sighting, the stupid policemen actually
fired guns at their craft (This was not made public,
and may even be kept a secret by the officers who
committed this colossal blunder).  However, the Si's
warn that if they approach in friendly fashion
in the future, and are fired upon or attacked in an
unfriendly manner, the police will be minus one
police car and officers.  The Si's will eliminate it,
as a lesson to humans."

Remember that letter, readers, it is important.

Oct. 1, 1966, several months later, the following newspaper article appeared, and the police officers involved in the encounter with the SI's did in fact disappear from the police force! This after my letter predicting it!

Flying Saucer Named Floyd Is Man's Eternal Tormentor

by John De Groot, Akron Beacon Journal

Staff Writer, Akron Ohio

In his ruined world of loneliness and twisted nightmares,
Dale Spur wonders if the chase will ever end.  It began six
months ago, with seven steps to hell and a flying saucer
named Floyd.  In the predawn hours of the gentle April
morning, Spaur, a Portage County sheriff's deputy,
chased a flying saucer 86 miles.  Now the strange craft
is chasing him.  And he is hiding from it, a bearded
stranger peering past the limp curtains of a tiny
motel room in Solon, Ohio.

He is no longer a deputy sheriff.  His marriage is shattered.
He has lost 40 pounds.  He lives on one bowl of cereal
and a sandwich each day.  He walks three miles to an
$80 a week painter's job.  His motel room costs $60 a week.
The court has ordered him to pay his wife $20 a week
for the support of his two children.  That leaves
Dale Spaur exactly nothing.  The flying saucer did it.
"If I could change all that I have done in my life,"
he said, "I would change just one thing.  And that
would be the night I chased that damn thing.  That saucer."
He spit the word out.  Saucer.  An obscenity.  Others
might understand.  Four other officers took part in the
April drama."

(Note: Which, I wonder, shot at the saucer? - Owens)

"Police Chief Gerald Buchert of Mantua saw the craft
and photographed it  The pictures turned out badly,
an odd fuzzy white thing suspended in blackness.
Today, Chief Buchert laughs nervously when he speaks
of that night."

"I'd rather not talk about it," he says.  "It's something
that should be forgotten and left along.  I saw something,
but I don't know what it was."

"Special Deputy W.L Neff rode with Spaur during the chase.
He won't talk about it.  His wife, Jackelyne, explains,
'I hope I never see him like he was after the chase.
He was real white, almost in a state of shock.
It was awful.  And people made fun of him afterwards.
He never talks about it anymore.  Once he told me,
'If that thing landed in my backyard, I wouldn't tell
a soul.'  He's been through a wringer.''"

"Patrolman Frank Panzanella saw the chase end in Conway, Pa.,
where he works.  He saw the craft.  Now he is silent.
Friends say he had his telephone removed."

"He tells you: 'Sure I quit because of that thing.
People laughed at me.  And there was pressure.
You couldn't put your finger on it, but the pressure was there.
The city officials didn't like police officers chasing
flying saucers.'"

"As to the other officers, three still wear badges, but do not
speak of what they saw.  Spaur and Huston have turned in
their badges."

(Note: thus two were eliminated, as per my earlier prediction - Owens).

"Now Spaur hides in Solon, a fugitive from a flying saucer
named Floyd.  He cannot escape the strange craft.  It remains
with him, locked in his mind, reappearing in nightly sweating
dreams that are a bizarre mixture of reality and fantasy."

"Of that night: He is driving car 13.  Barney Neff is
beside him.  They are heading east along U.S. 224 between
Randolf and Atwater when they spot a red and white 1959
Ford alongside the road.  Barney and Dale stop to check it out.
The car is filled with walkie-talkies and other radios.
A strange emblem is painted on the side.  A triangle
with a bolt of lightning inside it.  Above the emblem
is written 'Seven Steps to hell'."

(Note: This is tremendously important, although it meant nothing to the authorities. For several years my own emblem I have used to sign my letters to scientists and government agencies, has been a large "O" with a line through the center, and a lightning bolt underneath the "O". As I interpret this message from the Si's, a "step" is a time interval and after seven of these time intervals, or "steps", the U.S. will be destroyed. They, the Si's, are trying to stop our being destroyed. - Owens.)

"Suddenly Spaur hears a humming sound behind him.  He
turns and sees a huge, saucer-shaped craft rising out of a
woods.  The entire underside of the craft gleams with an
intense, purplish-white light.  Spaur calls to Barney,
who turns, sees the craft, then stands paralyzed.
Neither moves. Spaur is sure he can't move. That his limbs
do not work.  He does not know why he is sure of this.
He just believes it.  The ship rises to about 150 feet
and moves directly over the patrol car.  Both men feel
warm, pleasing heat from the bottom of the craft,
but the light is so intense that tears stream from their
eyes.  Spaur thinks about moving back to the car.
Yet he does not.  Some trace of a thought which seems
to tell him that if he touches the car it will disappear."

(Note: see my letter written before this article appeared: "Will be minus one police car." - Owens)

"Then the saucer moves away from the car and stops.
As though on command, both men race to the cruiser.
Later, Spaur thinks that is strange, that both would move
at exactly the same instant.  Spaur radios in, telling
the deskman what he has seen.  Other reports have already
flared over the radio.  'Shoot it,' the radio man tells Spaur."

(Note: Remember now, my letter warning about this was written well before this article appeared! - Owens)

"Again, some strange feeling tells Spaur not to get out
of the cruiser and shoot at the craft.  It is about 50 feet
across and maybe 15 to 20 feet high.  On top of it is a large
dome.  An antenna juts out from the rear part of the dome.
The night sergeant comes on the radio and tells Spaur to
chase it.  The craft moves away and Spaur follows.
Slowly at first. Later, he hits speeds of more than 100
miles and hour racing eastward through Ohio and 
Pennsylvania.  The craft seems to be letting Spaur follow
it.  It waits for him at intersections.  Once, it seems
to double back when he is forced to turn away from
its eastward path.  Finally, after the sun has risen,
the chase ends near Pittsburgh, when Spaur runs out of gas.
That is what happened, according to Spaur and Neff."

"Now Spaur relives the chase each night in a twisting
nightmare.  But in his dream, car 13 vanishes.  Disappears
when he touches it.  And then Spaur stands alone beneath the
huge ship.  At this moment he awakens shivering and wet.
Alone in his motel room.  As he speaks of the six months
since he saw the flying saucer named Floyd, it is difficult
to tell when the nightmare stops and reality begins.
Spaur does not know what happened to the sedan with
'Seven Steps to Hell' written on its sides.  After the
chase, his daily routine was washed away in a sea of
reporters, television cameramen, Air Force investigators,
government officials, strange letters from places like
Little Rock, Ark., and Australia that told him what to do
if the 'little green men' tried to contact him."

"'My entire life came crashing down around my shoulders,'
he said.  'Everything changed.  I still don't really know
what happened.  But suddenly it was as though everybody
owned me and I no longer had anything for myself.
My wife, my home, my children.  They all seemed to fade away.'"

"Spaur's wife Daneise now is alone with their two children.
She has filed for divorce and is working as a waitress
in a bar at Ravenna."

"'Something happened to Dale, but I don't know what it was,'
she says.  'He came home that day and I never saw him
more frightened before.  He acted strange, listless.
He just sat around.  He was very pale.  Then later,
he got real nervous.  And he started to run away.
He's just disappear for days and days.  I wouldn't see him.
Our marriage fell apart.  All sorts of people came
to the house.  Investigators, reporters.  They kept him
up all night.  They kept after him, hounding him.
They hounded him right into the ground.  And he changed.'"

"Then one night, Dale came home very late.  He isn't sure
what happened.  He walked into the living room.  There were
some other people there.  Things were very tense.
Very confused.  He grabbed his wife and shook her.  Hard.
He kept shaking her.  It left big ugly bruises on her arms.
He doesn't know how or why.  That was the end of July.
Daneise  filed assault and battery charges.  Dale was jailed,
and turned in his badge.  A newspaper printed a story about
the deputy who chased the flying saucer being jailed for
beating his wife.  When he got out of jail, Dale left town,
turned his back on everything.  But the saucer followed him,
locked in his dreams.  In Ravenna, Daneise can only say
'Dale is a lost soul.  And everything is finished for us.'"

"In Solon, Dale said, 'I have become a freak.  I'm so damn
lonely.  Look at me, 34 years old and what do I have?  Nothing.
Who knows me?  To everyone I am Dale Spaur, the nut who
chased a flying saucer.  My father called me several weeks
ago.  A long time ago we had a fight.  I hadn't heard from
him for years.  Then he calls me.  Do you think he called 
to ask how I was, to say I love you, son, to see if I wanted
to go fishing or something?  Hell no.  He wanted to know
if I'd seen any more flying saucers.  I tried to go to church
for help.  I went to church and the minister introduced
me to the congregation.  'We have the man who chased a
flying saucer with us today,' he said.  Dale Spaur wept
as he told what the flying saucer named Floyd had done
to him.  He calls it Floyd because he saw it once more
while he was still working for the sheriff's department."

"The radio operators knew civilians were monitoring their
broadcasts so they agreed to use a code name if the
flying saucer was seen again.  They called it Floyd,
Dale Spaur's middle name."

"Dale was driving east on Interstate 80-S one night in June.
He looked up.  There it was."

"'Floyd's here with me,' he whispered into the radio.
Then he parked the car, and sat there, alone.  This time
Barney Neff was not with him.  Dale did not look out the
window.  He lit a cigarette and stared at the floor
of the cruiser.  He sat there for nearly 15 minutes
not looking outside, not wanting to see Floyd.
When he looked up, Floyd had disappeared.  Yet it still
follows him.  And it has ruined his life.  This he believes."

Well, reader, I wonder which one shot at the saucer? That was a mistake. There is now way, no human way, that we can injure or destroy the saucers. But the Si's have let me know that they fear our attacks, our attempts to snare their craft, by any means. Not because we might do so - we cannot - but because there is some law of their own, something about them, that reflects our "get them, destroy them" thought back onto us, destroying us... perhaps not physically, but in other, worse ways.

Such as Dale Spaur.

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