From "How to Contact Space People" by Mr. Ted Owens (PK Man)
Saucerian Press, Clarksburg West Virginia 1969
You can see the pattern by now:
Si's communicate with me; I communicate with scientists, U.S. Govt., etc., and the Si action follows - ingenious plan on the part of the Si's to prove their reality; their connection with me, their human agent; and our ability to communicate with each other.
My next proof along this line (I was, meanwhile, doing many other things, which will be covered in a later book) came in a letter I wrote to scientist Roland Swank (plus my other contacts) on Oct. 15, 1966 :
Dear Roland: I have just decided to conduct a beauty of an experiment. I am going to ask the Si's to appear publicly by Halloween.
(Note: this gave me 2 weeks - Owens).
As soon as I had written the letters and sent them off, I contacted the Si's (am going to show you how later) and asked them to appear publicly somewhere around Philadelphia before or on Halloween, and get it written up in the newspapers, preferably on the front pages. I also asked them to appear over a crowded football stadium, where they could be seen by thousands (Note: It turned out they did not choose to do it that way - Owens).
Two weeks went by, and nothing appeared in the papers. The day of Halloween, I scanned the papers, watched TV, and listened to the radio. Nothing. I was deeply disappointed, because this would be the first time they had let me down with confirming proof. The next day, however, while walking downtown in Philadelphia, I passed a newsstand and just happened to glance at a stack of papers. There on the front page of the Courier-Post of Camden, New Jersey (just across the river from Philadelphia) was the following clipping:
UFO REPORTED BY SIX AREA RESIDENTS Along with the normal number of Halloween hobgoblins, witches and devils on the ground last night, there may have been something eerie going on in the sky. The Courier-Post received a number of calls about a "long, cigar-shaped object" moving across the sky toward Philadelphia between 6 and 8 p.m. Mrs. Marion Rheine of 25 Beaver Avenue, Barrington, said, "It looked like a blimp. It was cigar-shaped, and a blue light was coming from it. It was going toward Philadelphia, and it was going pretty fast, like it was shot." Thomas Jones of 312 Lafayette Drive, Mount Ephraim, also described it as a cigar-shaped object heading toward Philadelphia
(Note: where I live, and send out signals to the Si's - Owens.)
"It had a yellowish-bluish glow and moved faster than any plane," he said, "It made no noise." Bob Sibley, 35 Remington Avenue, Mount Ephraim, gave the same description but added a red light. Norman Scott, 149 Linden Avenue, Woodlynne, confirmed the description and said the long tube was making sharp turns in a northwesterly direction toward Philadelphia. A caller who wished to remain anonymous said the object was "pole-shaped with points on each end, and making no sound". One final anonymous caller cried: "I saw one! I know something's gonna happen! We're all gonna die!"
Therefore the Si's did not let me down. They did exactly as I requested of them, appearing on Halloween, and then in such a fashion that it would be reported on the front page of the Camden paper (Note: Not a word appeared in the Philadelphia papers, to show the control of somebody who must be interested in keeping this from the public - Owens).
I jumped a bit with my dates, but no matter. Another confirmation the Si's went to a great bit of trouble to give me, to convince humans that I was their representative, came in a letter I wrote to Roland Swank on August 13, 1966. I made some predictions in the letter, then stated:
Furthermore, they (the Si's) will sign their signature to this, by making another startling public appearance, as they did recently at Erie. This appearance, made some time during the above-mentioned period of time, will confirm again that they are indeed bringing all this about, and that I am their representative.
On August 19, six days later, the following article appeared in the newspapers:
HUNDREDS SCARED BY BRIGHT METEOR Pittsburg, Pa., Aug. 19, UP: A meteor so bright that it cast shadows flashed through the sky over western Pennsylvania and Ohio early on Friday, frightened hundreds of persons. Spokesmen at the Allegheny Observatory and the Buhl Planetarium in Pittsburgh said the meteor was of a brightness measured at minus-six magnitude, "the brightest possible". "It lit up the area like a flashbulb" the spokesman said. Pittsburg police reported receiving more than 250 telephone calls within 20 minutes of the meteor's passing.
The Si's, therefore, gave me their signal of confirmation in this instance.