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Stanley Stewart

F) Rm30
A) Mn75
S) Ty6
E) Rm30
R) Ty6
I) Ty6
P) Ty6

Health: 141 Karma: 18
Resources: Un Pop: 40

Known Powers:
Hyper Running: Sh-X land speed and resistance to air friction. Acceleration rate is 1.5 mph per foot raveled
Hyper Endurance: While running, Blur's Endurance increases to Un, although his health does not increase.
Hyper Speed: Un power increases his reaction time a hundred fold.
-Delivering one hundred Ty blows per turn.
-Perceiving an catching high velocity objects with Un ease
-Airwalking: Rm speed by rapidly fanning his feet and arms.
-Waterwalking: Un speed by skimming along on surface tension

Costume: Gd protection vs. Wear and Tear

Talents: Streetwise, Business/Finance

Contacts: Squadron Supreme

Blur's First Costume