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Images illustrating steam assisted flares

This is our series FHP steam assisted smokeless flare tip, with external Flarestream steam injection nozzles arranged on an external ring.

This type of flare tip is designed for typical refinery use, where very high efficiency, high smokeless capacity, and very low noise is not a specific design requirement.



This is a picture of an FS series high performance smokeless flare tip during fabrication. This style of flare tip uses a totally different type of steam injection. Floanda (internal coanda) nozzles are located in a cone at the top section of the tip. The steam entrains a large quantity of air though the Floanda nozzle (about 4:1 weight ratio) and the air, steam and waste gas are mixed in the upper cone before being ignited by the pilots. This tip is more efficient in steam usage as a result of the air entrainment and pre-mixing, and can be designed for much higher smokeless capacities than other types of flare tip. The Floanda injector is also extremely quiet, and typically the noise level from the FS tip is about 12-14 dB(A) less than a typical external type steam injection flare tip.


An FS-48 flare tip in operation at a US Gulf Coast olefins complex. FS series flare tips are a good choice for the demanding service required for olefins and other chemical plants where smokeless flaring of unsaturated hydrocarbons are frequently required.




Last modified: March 13, 2006