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. . . . . . . ........................... . . . . . . .The Valencia County Philosophical Society


Lectures, Workshops, Seminars

Meditation & Visualization

Basic, Intermediate and Advanced studies in meditation and visualization techniques for stress reduction, creative manifestation and spiritual enlightenment.

Includes instruction and practice in posture, breathing techniques, mental concentration, chakras, the central channel and basic energy field concepts.

How to See the Human Aura

A practical lecture about the human energy field (aura) and how we can "see" medical problems, emotional states, mental functions and spiritual development.

Includes the seven auric bands, methods for viewing the energy fields, with time to practice the basic techniques.


Personal & Environmental Clearing

A practical study in how to clear one's energy field, the aura of "clients," your home, and the residence of other people.

Includes instruction and practice in energy concepts, negative forces, the magic circle, the use of herbs as incense, and psychic self-defense.

Energetic Healing Techniques

Down-to-Earth instruction and practice in hands-on energetic healing, which can be used for yourself, your friends and family members, or even your pets!

Includes energy generation, healing techniques, legal concepts (you're not a doctor or a therapist ! ), and sources of illness.

Tai Chi and Self-Defense

Tai Chi is an ancient self-defense art that promotes balance, coordination, flexibility and health. It has also been known to control and even cure many chronic illnesses.

We have been offering free weekly Tai Chi and self-defense training in Belen since 2006. All ages are welcome.
We meet one morning per week at the

Del Rio Senior Center
351 Rio Communities Blvd (Hwy 47),, Belen
Call for the current day of the week and the time !

For More Information, send us an email message: