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Master Chief

Master Chief Petty Officer Spartan-117


F) In40
A) In40
S) Rm30
E) Rm30
R) Gd10
I) In40
P) Rm30

Health: 140 Karma: 80
Resources: Gd Pop: 20

Known Powers:
SPARTAN-11 Augmentations: At the age of 14, the remaining SPARTAN-II candidates underwent a heavy series of augmentations, giving Master Chief the following enhancements:
-Carbide Ceramic Ossification: Bones are grafted with Rm material, giving Master Chief Rm resistance to broken bones and Injury
-Superconducting Fibrification of Neural Dendrites: Am Total Recall

MJOLNIR Armor Mark VI: Every Spartan wears the MJOLNIR Mark V and higher models which have the following power stunts:
-Body Armor: Gd protection vs. Physical and Energy
-Energy Shield: Am protection vs. Physical and Energy; however, the more it is hit, the less effective it becomes. When it reaches Sh-0, it takes 1 round of combat to recharge
-Multi-Environment Life Support: The Armor is designed for use in the vacuum of space as well as the depths of the ocean. The armor generally has a 3 day air supply.
-Hyper-Leaping: Pr
-Heads Up Display:The visor of a Spartan provides a real time HUD that can provide weapon info, ammunition used and remaining, health and pulse monitors, energy shield status, active motion tracker and waypoints laid down by an AI.
-Thermal Optics: In
-Infrared Vision: In
-Helmet Flashlight: Located on the side of the helmet, Ty illumination
-Magnetic Adhesive Strips: In ability to carry Covenant technology, extra weapons or even tactical HAVOK nukes
-AI Constructs: Master Chief's AI Construct is Cortana
MA2B: Ex Shooting, 5 areas

Talents: Military, Leadership, Guns, Survival, Martial Arts B

Contacts: United Nations Space Command, Cortana