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--> Mental Stress Reduces Blood Flow To The Heart In Patients With Gene Variation Is Fosamax helpful? Compare prices for your drugs, see the most used and popular brand names and generics..

Arabic on Arabic about الاجهاد العقلي يقلل من تدفق الدم الى القلب في المرضى الذين يعانون من اختلاف الجينات Fosamax هي مفيدة؟

Dutch on Dutch about Mentale stress vermindert de bloedtoevoer naar het hart bij patiënten met Gene variatie Is fosamax nuttig?

French on French about Le stress réduit le flux sanguin au cœur chez les patients avec variation génétique Fosamax est utile?

German on German about Psychische Belastungen reduziert den Blutfluss zum Herzen bei Patienten mit Gen-Variante Ist FOSAMAX hilfreich?

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Italian on Italian about Stress mentale riduce il flusso di sangue al cuore nei pazienti con gene variazione Fosamax è utile?

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Portuguese on Portuguese about Estresse mental reduz o fluxo sanguíneo para o coração em pacientes com variação genética Fosamax é útil?

Spanish on Spanish about Estrés mental reduce el flujo sanguíneo al corazón en pacientes con variación de genes Fosamax es útil?

English on English about Mental Stress Reduces Blood Flow To The Heart In Patients With Gene Variation Is Fosamax helpful?


Mental Stress Reduces Blood Flow To The Heart In Patients With Gene Variation

Mental Stress Reduces Blood Flow To The Heart In Patients With Gene Variation Is Fosamax helpful? Fosamax with US shipping Find the Latest Drug Product and Safety Information. Resources for keeping up with the latest drug safety information from FDA. Compare prices for your drugs, see the most used and popular brand names and generics.

Mental Stress Reduces Blood Flow To The Heart In Patients With Gene Variation

Mental Stress Reduces Blood Flow To The Heart In Patients With Gene Variation Is Fosamax helpful? Fosamax with US shipping Find the Latest Drug Product and Safety Information. Resources for keeping up with the latest drug safety information from FDA. Compare prices for your drugs, see the most used and popular brand names and generics.

University of Florida researchers have identified a gene variation in heart disease patients who appear especially vulnerable to the physical effects of mental stress - to the point where blood flow to heart is greatly reduced.

" Searching for presence of this gene may be one way to better identify patients who are at an increased risk for phenomenon, " said David S. Sheps, M. D. , a professor and associate chairman of cardiovascular medicine at UF's College of Medicine and the Malcom Randall Veterans Affairs Medical Center.

Those with gene variation are three times more likely to experience dangerous decreases in blood flow to heart - a condition doctors call ischemia - than heart disease patients without it. Ischemia increases chance these patients will suffer a heart attack, heart rhythm abnormalities or sudden death, UF researchers report in April 14 issue of Archives of Internal Medicine.

" There is no question that in certain populations it's associated with worse prognosis than in patients who do not have mental stress-induced ischemia in terms of overall adverse events and also mortality, " Sheps said. " And it has become apparent that it's far more prevalent than we initially thought. Most of studies that have been published to date have involved populations of patients who had coronary disease and positive exercise stress tests. But recently we and other investigators have shown that a much broader category of patients also are prone to mental stress ischemia. "

Past studies have shown that as many as two-thirds of patients with coronary artery disease who experience exercise-related reductions in blood flow to the heart respond similarly to mental stress. These bouts often produce no symptoms of chest pain and are rarely detectable on a standard electrocardiogram. Yet previous UF research has shown that these patients have a threefold greater risk of dying - as large a risk factor as cigarette smoking or high cholesterol. Other studies have linked stress experienced after mass disasters or natural catastrophes with a rise in heart attacks and sudden death.

Psychological stress can leave heart more prone to developing arrhythmias or electrical instability and blood more prone to clotting. Stress appears to raise heart rate and rapidly hike blood pressure, increasing heart's need for oxygen-rich blood, Sheps said. Yet less oxygen is supplied, in part because coronary arteries constrict, impeding blood flow. Doctors are concerned that this reaction to stress in the laboratory is simply a snapshot of how patients respond to the stress of life on a daily basis.

An estimated 10 percent of all patients with coronary disease experience detectable mental stress-induced reductions in blood flow to the heart. In some subsets of patients phenomenon may be even more prevalent, involving up to 40 percent of these patients.

UF researchers studied 148 patients with coronary artery disease who were on average about 65 years old. Participants were asked to perform a public speaking test designed to induce stress. Images were taken of blood flow to heart at rest and during speech task. Blood samples also were collected and analyzed for five common gene variations.

About a fourth of the patients experienced mental stress-induced reduced blood flow to heart, and about two-thirds of them harbored a particular variation of the adrenergic beta-1 receptor genotype that was associated with a three-fold increased risk of this phenomenon, said Mustafa Hassan, M. D. , study's lead author and a research fellow in UF's division of cardiovascular medicine. This receptor typically helps body respond to stress by regulating blood pressure and heart rate, but a common variability in its gene may make certain patients more vulnerable to the effects of psychological stress.

The study was funded by National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute and also was supported by Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center and UF colleges of Pharmacy and Dentistry.

Why does mental stress restrict blood flow in some patients even when exercise fails to have same effect? The effects of mental stress could predominantly affect heart's smaller vessels, causing them to spasm and temporarily limiting blood flow, Sheps speculated. In contrast, exercise tends to affect the heart's blood supply through different mechanisms.

" We should focus our research on two areas, " he said. " One is better identification of patients who are prone to have this problem and two is looking for effective treatments once we know they have it. We need to know whether we can reverse this phenomenon. We're embarking on other treatment studies fairly soon. "

UF researchers are hunting for other genetic subtypes that could identify other patients at increased risk, he added.

" One of advantages of detecting these sorts of things is that we may be able to in future be more specific about what kind of treatment might work better in certain patients depending on their genetic makeup, " Sheps said. " That's one of the important things happening in many fields of medicine. There are many diseases that already have been shown to respond differently to different types of treatment based on genetic differences. "

The University of Florida Health Science Center - the most comprehensive academic health center in Southeast - is dedicated to high-quality programs of education, research, patient care and public service. The Health Science Center encompasses colleges of Dentistry, Public Health and Health Professions, Medicine, Nursing, Pharmacy and Veterinary Medicine, as well as Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital and an academic campus in Jacksonville offering graduate education programs in dentistry, medicine, nursing and pharmacy. Patient care activities, under the banner UF&Shands, are provided through teaching hospitals and a network of clinics in Gainesville and Jacksonville. The Health Science Center also has a statewide presence through satellite medical, dental and nursing clinics staffed by UF health professionals; and affiliations with community-based health-care facilities stretching from Hialeah and Miami to Florida Panhandle.

University of Florida Health Science Center

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Is Fosamax helpful?

uses of Fosamax

Fosamax is used to prevent and treat certain types of bone loss ( osteoporosis ) . It belongs to a class of medications called bisphosphonates, and they decrease activity of cells which break down bone. Maintaining strong bones by slowing bone loss helps to reduce risk of fractures.

Your risk of developing osteoporosis is greater as we age, after menopause due to lack of natural estrogen hormones, and if you're taking corticosteroid medications ( e. g. , prednisone ) for long periods.

how to use of Fosamax

Follow these instructions very closely to maximize the amount of drug absorbed and reduce risk of injury to your esophagus. This medicine comes with a patient information leaflet. Read it carefully. Ask your doctor or pharmacist any questions we may have about this medicine.

Fosamax is taken once per week. Choose day of week that best fits your schedule and take it on that day each week.

Take Fosamax by mouth, after getting up for day and before taking your first food, beverage or other medication. Drink at least 2 ounces ( 60 ml ) of plain water after taking liquid Fosamax. Then stay fully upright ( sitting, standing or walking ) for at least 30 minutes and don't lie down until after your first food of day. Wait at least 30 minutes ( preferably 1 to 2 hours ) after taking medication before you eat or drink anything other than plain water.

Do not take Fosamax at bedtime or before rising for day. It mayn't be absorbed and we may have side effects.

Other medications, vitamins, antacids, coffee, tea, soda, mineral water and food can decrease the absorption of Fosamax. Don't take these for at least 30 minutes ( preferably 1 to 2 hours ) after taking Fosamax.

Use Fosamax regularly to get most benefit from it. Remember to use it on the same day each week. It may help to mark your calendar with a reminder.

side effects of Fosamax

Stomach pain, constipation, gas, or nausea may occur while use Fosamax. If these effects persist or worsen, notify your doctor or pharmacist promptly.

Remember that your doctor has prescribed Fosamax because he or she has judged that benefit to we is greater than risk of side effects. Many people using Fosamax don't have serious side effects.

Tell your doctor immediately if any of these unlikely but serious side effects occur:

Fosamax may infrequently cause serious irritation and ulcers of esophagus. If you notice any of the following unlikely but very serious side effects, stop taking Fosamax and consult your doctor or pharmacist immediately:

A serious allergic reaction to Fosamax is unlikely, but seek immediate medical attention if it occurs. Symptoms of a serious allergic reaction include:

This isn't a complete list of possible side effects. If we notice other effects not listed above, contact your doctor or pharmacist.

precautions of Fosamax

Before taking Fosamax, tell your doctor or pharmacist if we are allergic to it; or to other bisphosphonates; or if you have any other allergies.

Fosamax shouldn't be used if you have certain medical conditions. Before using this medicine, consult your doctor or pharmacist if we have:

Before using Fosamax, tell your doctor or pharmacist your medical history, especially of:

Infrequently, serious jawbone problems ( osteonecrosis ) have occurred in people taking similar medication. Most people were also using other medications or had conditions which might have actually caused jawbone problem. If we have cancer, anemia, blood clotting disorders, infections in mouth or other diseases of the mouth, or poor dental hygiene, see your dentist for a full examination/treatment before we start Fosamax. Make sure he/she knows your entire medical history, any cancer radiation treatments, and also all the medications you're using, especially corticosteroids such as prednisone, cancer chemotherapy, and Fosamax. Consult your dentist for more details.

Fosamax isn't recommended for use in children. Studies have shown that many children who took Fosamax had severe side effects such as vomiting, fever, and flu-like symptoms.

Fosamax should be used only when clearly needed during pregnancy. Discuss risks and benefits with your doctor.

It isn't known whether Fosamax passes into breast milk. Consult your doctor before breast-feeding.

interactions of Fosamax

See also How to Use section.

Your healthcare professionals ( e. g. , doctor or pharmacist ) may already be aware of any possible drug interactions and may be monitoring we for it. Don't start, stop or change dosage of any medicine before checking with them first.

Before using Fosamax, tell your doctor or pharmacist of all prescription and nonprescription/herbal products we may use, especially of:

Check labels on all your medicines because they may contain aspirin or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs ( NSAIDs such as ibuprofen, naproxen ) that could cause stomach irritation/ulcers. Ask your pharmacist about safe use of those products. Low-dose aspirin, as prescribed by your doctor for specific medical reasons such as heart attack or stroke prevention ( usually these dosages are 81-325 milligrams per day ) , should be continued. Consult your doctor or pharmacist for more details.

This document doesn't contain all possible interactions. Therefore, before using Fosamax, tell your doctor or pharmacist of all the products we use. Keep a list of all your medications with you, and share list with your doctor and pharmacist.

overdose of Fosamax

If overdose of Fosamax is suspected, contact your local poison control center or emergency room immediately. US residents can call US national poison hotline at 1-800-222-1222. Canadian residents should call their local poison control center directly. Symptoms of overdose may include: severe stomach pain, painful heartburn, pain in esophagus ( chest pain ) , muscle weakness, mental/mood changes.

notes of Fosamax

Don't share Fosamax with others.

Lifestyle changes that help promote healthy bones include increasing weight-bearing exercise, eating well-balanced meals containing adequate calcium and vitamin D, stopping smoking, and limiting alcohol. Consult your doctor to see if we need to take calcium/vitamin D supplements and discuss lifestyle changes that might benefit you.

Laboratory and/or medical tests ( x-rays, height measurement, blood mineral levels ) should be performed periodically to monitor your progress or check for side effects. Consult your doctor for more details.

missed dose of Fosamax

If you should miss a dose, take it next morning after we remember. Then resume taking your weekly dose on your originally scheduled day of week. Don't take two doses on same day. Consult your doctor or pharmacist.

storage of Fosamax

Store Fosamax at room temperature ( 77 degrees F or 25 degrees C ) away from light and moisture. Brief storage between 59-86 degrees F ( 15-30 degrees C ) is permitted. Do not freeze or store in the bathroom. Keep all medicines away from children and pets.

Properly discard Fosamax when it is expired or no longer needed. Consult your pharmacist or local waste disposal company for more details about how to safely discard your product.

Fosamax with US shipping

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Mental Stress Reduces Blood Flow To The Heart In Patients With Gene Variation Is Fosamax helpful? Fosamax with US shipping Find the Latest Drug Product and Safety Information. Resources for keeping up with the latest drug safety information from FDA. Compare prices for your drugs, see the most used and popular brand names and generics.

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