computer virus and internet security






computer virus and internet security

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This article provides tips on how to make sure you can stay relatively safe on the Internet and how to keep computer viruses, malware, and other unwanted software off your computer. Symantic security response provides info about the latest computer virus threats, security advisories, removal tools, and other updated security info.



If you are using a computer at work, or with the advent of cable modems at home, you might want to place your home computers behind a router that uses NAT. NAT enables multiple computers to access to the Internet over a single high-speed link. NAT also typically has the effect of preventing connections from being established inbound into your computer, whilst permitting connections out. Getting a router in your home improves the security of a home LAN; some people consider that they don't need a firewall if they have a router.


A firewall is a possible solution to someone with only one computer in their home, or someone with another need for it. McAfeecom. What it can do for you is block traffic to all except authorized ports on your computer, thus restricting access. A stateful firewall is even more cautious about what it permits through, and the most cautious system administrators often combine a proxy firewall with a packet-filtering firewall to create defense in depth. Most home users would use a software firewall, while some high risk servers and computers might need a hardware firewall.

Viruses, worms and trojan horses

Further information: Malware

Some hackers, and in some cases unreputable companies, write programs called computer viruses, worms, trojan horses and spyware.

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