ebola virus crew






ebola virus crew

The highly lethal virus known as Ebola has served as a rich source of ideas and plotlines for many forms of entertainment. The infatuation with the virus is likely due to the high mortality rate of its victims, its mysterious nature, and its tendency to cause gruesome bleeding from body orifices.


In his book Biohazard, former Soviet biological warfare researcher Ken Alibek claimed that the former Soviet Union experimented extensively with use of Ebola as a biological weapon, including a genetically engineered version combined with the smallpox virus to increase the degree of contagion and lethality. The book Executive Orders by Tom Clancy describes an extensive bioterrorist attack on the United States via a newly discovered strain of Ebola (titularly the same strain that killed Mayinga) that propagates by air. A modified version of the Ebola virus also appears in another Tom Clancy novel, Rainbow Six. The modified virus is slated for release at the Olympic Games, with the intent to kill every living person, except for those who are radical environmentalists. Ebola virus n. Richard Preston's book The Hot Zone contains a history of the research and discovery of the virus, as well as an account of an outbreak of a strain of the virus near Washington DC. In the DC Universe, a mutation of the virus was created by The Order Of Saint Dumas (those who created Azrael) and subsequently released by Ra's Al Ghul himself in Gotham City, causing the death of many citizens. This version is named Ebola Gulf-A and called "The Clench". Many years later, in a possible future (Elseworlds' book Brotherhood of the Bat) a new version of this virus is released by Ra's causing the death of 99% of all humans. This new version is named Ebola Honduras. Home   melissa virus   loveletter virus remove   mandar un virus   nova anti spyware and virus   microsoft virus scanner   microsoft virus scan   mosaic vein virus   free spyware remover   measles virus   maize streak virus   lovegate virus   mandar virus   spyware removal   computer spyware virus   cydoor virus   computer associate virus protection   computer virus and internet security   mac and virus and protection   loveletter anti virus   microtrend online virus scan   micro anti virus   computer virus protector   online anti virus scan   human papilloma virus and pregnancy   how to remove sircam virus   how to remove nimda virus   how to remove funlove virus   loveletter virus removal   free spyware   humaan papilloma virus   computer virus fix   new pictures of family virus