hsp virus






hsp virus

In medicine (rheumatology and pediatrics) Henoch-Schönlein purpura (HSP, also known as allergic purpura) is a systemic vasculitis characterized by prominent tissue deposition of IgA-containing immune complexes, especially in the skin and kidney. It has a prominent cutaneous involvement similarly seen in mixed cryoglobulinemia and hypersensitivity vasculitis: palpable petechiae or purpura is a major finding in these disorders. The pathogenesis is similar to that of IgA nephropathy, with similar histologic findings in the kidney.


HSP occurs more often in children than in adults, and usually follows an upper respiratory tract infection. Half of affected children are below the age of five. Whitehead Institute - Vaccine Technology Homes in on Cancer. When adults are affected, the disease progression is more severe, with more renal involvement, and requiring more aggressive treatment, including corticosteroids and cytotoxic therapy. The incidence of HSP is about 1:7,000 in the United States. The median age is 6 years at disease onset, and 90% is under 10 years old. Boys tend to be more often affected than girls.

Signs and symptoms

Typical purpura on lower leg

The symptoms of HSP are usually preceded by a viral upper respiratory tract infection. encephalitis (brain inflammation) from a virus. The classic tetrad of HSP --- which can occur in any order at any time --- are, in order to decreasing frequency:

(100%) rash --- typically purpuric with normal clotting times and usually in lower legs and arms. As purpura are small haemorrhages, they are non-blanching (i. e. they do not disappear on pressure), which can lead to confusion with the petechiae of meningococcal sepsis. (82%) arthralgia/arthritis --- usually affecting knees and ankles, are transient and causes no permanent damage(63%) abdominal pain(40%) renal disease. 86. Home   how   how to remove funlove virus   how to remove nimda virus   how to remove sircam virus   htm virus   humaan papilloma virus   human papilloma virus cure   human papilloma virus in men   melissa virus   loveletter virus repair   maize dwarf mosaic virus   mandar un virus   lovegate g virus   lovegate virus removal   loveletter anti virus   loveletter virus cleaner   loveletter virus removal   microsoft virus check   mono virus   natas virus   nombres de virus informaticos   computer anti virus software   computer virus fix   cold virus   online anti virus software   computer virus hoaxes   download free anti virus scan   computer associate virus scan   cydoor virus   spyware   spyware removal   free spyware