human papilloma virus and pregnancy






human papilloma virus and pregnancy

Schematic frontal view of female anatomy

The cervix (from Latin "neck") is the lower, narrow portion of the uterus where it joins with the top end of the vagina. It is cylindrical or conical in shape and protrudes through the upper anterior vaginal wall. Approximately half its length is visible with appropriate medical equipment; the remainder lies above the vagina beyond view. It is occasionally called "cervix uteri", or "neck of the uterus".



The portion projecting into the vagina is referred to as the portio vaginalis or ectocervix. Articles: Home. On average, the ectocervix is 3 cm long and 2. 5 cm wide. It has a convex, elliptical surface and is divided into anterior and posterior lips.

External Os

The ectocervix's opening is called the external os. The size and shape of the external os and the ectocervix varies widely with age, hormonal state, and whether the woman has had a vaginal birth. Christian Contraception: Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). In women who have not had a vaginal birth the external os appears as a small, circular opening. In women who have had a vaginal birth, the ectocervix appears bulkier and the external os appears wider, more slit-like and gaping.

Endocervical canal

The passageway between the external os and the uterine cavity is referred to as the endocervical canal. It varies widely in length and width, along with the cervix overall. Flattened anterior to posterior, the endocervical canal measures 7 to 8 mm at its widest in reproductive-aged women. CDC: Genital HPV Infection.

Internal Os

The endocervical canal terminates at the internal os which is the opening of the cervix inside the uterine cavity.

Cervical crypts

There are pockets in the lining of the cervix known as cervical crypts. They function to produce cervical fluid.

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