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A filename extension is an extra set of (usually) alphanumeric characters that is appended to the end of a filename to allow computer users (as well as various pieces of software on the computer system) to quickly determine the type of data stored in the file. It is one of several popular methods for distinguishing between file formats.

With the advent of the GUI, the issue of file management and interface behavior arose. The Windows platform allowed multiple applications to be associated with a given file type, and different file "actions" defined for opening, editing, viewing, and so-forth by means of a context menu. File managers such as Windows Explorer can have applications assigned for almost every file name extension. Download anti-virus protection now. For example, a text editor for. txt, a word processor for. doc or. odt, a web browser for. htm or. trojan detection. html, PDF viewer or editor for. pdf, a graphics program for. png,. gif or. jpg, a spreadsheet program for. 04/15/02. xls or. ods, etc.

Under Microsoft's operating systems DOS and Windows, some extensions, including. exe,. com,. Fire Anti-virus Kit - Free Utilities. bat, and. cmd, indicate that a file is an executable. This is different from Unix-like operating systems, where file name extensions are voluntary for executables, and instead permissions are used to decide whether a file is executable.

Filename extensions have been in use for decades, but they have gained common usage because the file systems included with DOS and Windows had severe limitations on filenames for many years, which strongly encouraged the use of filename extensions. Filename extensions can be considered as a type of metadata, though one of the most visible pieces of such information on modern computer systems. LOVE LETTER VIRUS - A Simple Program that Rocks the World.

Mac OS disposed of filename extensions entirely, instead using a file type code to identify the file format.

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