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email service virus

A computer worm is a self-replicating computer program similar to a computer virus. A virus adds itself itself to, and becomes part of, another one or more executable program; however, a worm is self-contained and does not need to be part of another program to propagate itself. They are often designed to exploit the file transmission capabilities found on many computers. The main difference between a computer virus and a worm is that a virus cannot propagate by itself whereas worms can. Email Hosting, Email Hosting Accounts, Business Email Accounts. A worm uses a network to send copies of itself to other systems and it does so without any intervention. In general, worms harm the network and consume bandwidth, whereas viruses infect or corrupt files on a targeted computer. Viruses generally do not affect network performance, as their malicious activities are mostly confined within the target computer itself.

The name 'worm' was taken from The Shockwave Rider, a science fiction novel published in 1975 by John Brunner. The EASE service provides email lists with built-in virus protection. Researchers (John F Shoch and John A Hupp chose the name in a paper published while they were working at Xerox PARC; The Worm Programs, Comm ACM, 25(3):172-180, 1982)) noted the similarities between their software and the fictional program described by Brunner. So they proposed the name, which has since been widely adopted.

The first implementation of a worm was by these two researchers at Xerox PARC in 1978. [1] Shoch and Hupp, originally designed the worm to find idle processors on the network and assign them tasks, sharing the processing load, and so improving the 'CPU cycle use efficiency' across an entire network. Symantec. They were self-limited so that they would spread no farther than intended.

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