anti best protection virus






anti best protection virus

This article or section is in need of attention from an expert on the subject. Please help recruit one, or improve this page yourself if you can. See discussion page for details. For the pirate saying, "Avast!", see its Wiktionary entry. The correct title of this article is avast!. Antivirus Software Reviews, Best Antivirus Software Program. The initial letter is capitalized due to technical restrictions.

avast! Antivirus is an anti-virus program distributed by ALWIL Software based in Prague, Czech Republic, first released in 1988. avast! is used globally and is available in 20 different languages. Since its release, avast! 4 Home has become one of the most popular full-featured freeware anti-virus applications for Microsoft Windows users, reaching over 3,000,000 downloads on Download. com [1]. Anti avg protection virus Anti free norton protection virus Anti mcafee protection
virus Anti best protection virus Anti protection software virus Anti. It is free for home and non-commercial use so it is often compared with the free version of Grisoft's AVG Anti-Virus.

The software is aimed at preventing several types of threats, including those that are not technically computer viruses such as spyware, and can also make a Virus Recovery DataBase which is used to recover files when they are infected (instead of just deleting them). It can be downloaded with full text and voice translations to several languages and users can also customize its look to their taste with several skins.


Screenshot of avast! home editionStandard Shield — Real time file protectionIM shield — Instant Messenger protectionP2P shield — P2P protectionInternet Mail — E-mail protectionOutlook/Exchange — Microsoft Outlook/Exchange protectionWeb Shield — HTTP protection (localtransparent proxy)Script blocker — script checkerNetwork Shield — basic protection against well-known network worms. Home   mcafee anti virus review   pan   anti virus appliance   free online anti virus scanner   network virus scan   free pc virus protection   herpes simplex virus 2   spam anti virus   panda virus protection   trend micro online virus scanner   pc cillin free virus scan   mac online virus scan   anti firewall software virus   micro trend virus   pccillin virus   e trust ez anti virus   norman virus control   mcafee virus scan enterprise   free mcfee virus scan   trend micro free virus   trojan virus scan   virus trend micro   symantec virus protection   zone alarm anti virus   anti sonicwall virus   micro trend anti virus   computer virus scanning   anti cheap software virus   aol protection virus   e z trust anti virus   scanner spyware virus   virus and spyware protection