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best protection software virus

In computing terminology, a macro virus is a virus that is written in a macro language. They were largely problems because rather than create a new function to perform macros, some software vendors connected the macro writing functions in their software to the same computer language that they used to write that same software. Because of this, anyone with knowledge of that particular programming language can code a program that will launch immediately when the file is opened on a computer. "Documents" with macro viruses are actually templates in disguise since documents cannot have macros. This is why people are told not to open attachments in e-mail because of the danger of embedded macros. Use anti-virus software to remove viruses from your Windows computer system. It recommended that anti-virus software is used and kept up to date.

Macro Virus Fundamentals

Macros are a series of commands and actions that help to automate tasks performed on a regular basis. A computer macro virus is a virus that infects documents and templates, not programs. A macro virus takes advantage of the macro programming language built into applications such as Microsoft Word or Excel. This also includes files on other platforms such as Macintosh. This year, reviews give the edge to McAfee VirusScan
2006 over the other industry leader, Norton Anti-Virus. (Microsoft Corporation, 2006, WD: Frequently Asked Questions…) In 2004, macro viruses accounted for approximately 75% of all viruses. (Webopaedia, 2004) A macro virus differs from a worm in that worms do not attach themselves to other programs or files. A worm is a computer program in itself. (The Trustees of Indiana University, 2006)

The Truth On How Macro Viruses Really Work

A macro virus can be spread through email attachments, discs, networks, modems, and the internet. (Microsoft Corporation, 2006, WD: Frequently Asked Questions…) Uninfected documents contain normal macros. Announces Total Protection for Small Business-Advanced Named One of
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