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Protector eating Tree-of-Life root

Pak Breeders and Pak Protectors are two generic forms of fictional life in Larry Niven's Known Space universe. The protector form of the species is the result of a transformation brought about in a breeder by the plant known as Tree-of-Life.

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

The Pak species

The Pak species evolved on a planet near the core of the galaxy. Increased radiation levels at the core cause severe mutations that can destabilize the evolutionary process. India's Leading Anti-Virus expert | Protector Plus Symantec | Antigen We are committed to provide you the best. As a result, the Pak evolved a mechanism to eliminate dangerous mutations from the population. That mechanism is the protector stage.

Pak go through three stages of development: Child, Breeder and Protector.

Pak Children are sexually immature and are primarily cared for by their Breeder parents.

Pak Breeders are sexually mature, unintelligent and sub-sentient primates essentially identical to Homo habilis. Visit us online to find
Virus Protection Software and more than 100000 other business-class. Towards the end of their reproductive life, Pak Breeders acquire a taste for a root containing a symbiotic virus that triggers the transformation to the Protector stage.

Pak Protectors are highly sensitive to the smell of their close relatives and 'weed out' those that smell wrong, which may indicate a potentially dangerous mutation. Protectors are fully sentient, and are far more intelligent than humans.


Tree-of-Life is a bush whose smell is unnoticeable or unpleasant to breeders until they reach about 25 Pak years (or 42 human years); after that, the smell suddenly becomes irresistible. The breeder gorges on the root, infecting himself with a symbiotic virus in the root and triggering the transition. Anti Virus - Vote for Protector Plus 2000 for Windows NT/2000/XP.

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