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fix the computer virus

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A software bug is an error, flaw, mistake, failure, or fault in a computer program that prevents it from working as intended, or produces an incorrect result. Bugs arise from mistakes and errors, made by people, in either a program's source code or its design. A program that contains a large number of bugs, and/or bugs that seriously interfere with its functionality, is said to be buggy. Reports about bugs in a program are referred to as bug reports, also called PRs (problem reports), trouble reports, CRs (change requests), and so forth. It's True, You Can Fix Your Computer Without Taking it In To A Repair Shop
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Bugs can have a wide variety of effects, with varying levels of inconvenience to the user of the program. Some bugs have only a subtle effect on the program's functionality, and may thus lie undetected for a long time. More serious bugs may cause the program to crash or freeze. Other bugs lead to security problems; for example, a common type of bug which allows a buffer overflow may allow a malicious user to execute other programs that are normally not allowed to run. Computer Virus Fix: The First Step to Computer Virus Problem Solutions.

The results of bugs may be extremely serious. A bug in the code controlling the Therac-25 radiation therapy machine was directly responsible for patient deaths and in 1996, the European Space Agency's US$1 billion prototype Ariane 5 rocket was destroyed less than a minute after launch, due to a bug in the on-board guidance computer program. In June 1994 a Royal Air Force Chinook crashed into the Mull of Kintyre, killing 29. This was initially dismissed as pilot error, but an investigation by Computer Weekly uncovered evidence sufficient to convince a House of Lords enquiry that it may have been caused by a software bug in the aircraft's FADEC. How to fix Mom's computer [Scribblingnet].

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