mcafee active virus defense






mcafee active virus defense

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My PC has been hijacked

I went to a website that immediately started loading all kinds of programs onto my PC. I've managed to turn off all of the junk that it was running, and I've run all kinds of spybot removers, and I downloaded HijackThis, and I was able to get rid of something called "Intelligent Explorer", which installed an extra toolbar on my PC. But Intelligent Explorer keeps reintalling itself, and I keep getting popup windows from someting that must have embedded itself into my registry. I see lots of things when HijackThis runs that it questions, but I'm afraid to delete any of that stuff. Looking for Mcafee Virus? Find exactly what you want today. I keep using it to delete Intelligent Explorer, but it won't stay away.

Any help?

RickK 07:22, Mar 24, 2005 (UTC)

Intelligent explorer is one of the nastier ones to remove. I googled around and found this, if it helps you. →Raul654 07:37, Mar 24, 2005 (UTC)I think it got worse. Active Virus Defence Suite box-image. Thanks, Mark. I went to the link you provided, and the link they wanted you to go to to get Spybot S&D doesn't work, but I did find one and re-installed Spybot, which I already had. But in the process of dowloading that, all kinds of other stuff got downloaded, including some sort of games page. I've just spent half an hour clearing all of that out, but something keeps showing up in my running jobs called Bargains and NIs. Since the virus threat is actively shifting, shouldn't your defense?. I keep deleting the crap out of my running jobs and it keeps reestablishing itself. I've run three different spy program detection programs now. Sigh. RickK 08:23, Mar 24, 2005 (UTC)I don't know if this will help, but downloading and running the free Ad-aware Personal is probably a good idea. Compare prices, shipping and browse detailed store profiles at CNET Shoppercom. Worth a shot, anyway. Home   mcaffee virus   panda virus protection   anti virus software program   anti virus pc cillin   virus and spam filter   fix the computer virus   free online anti virus scanner   pccillin virus   spam virus protection   adware virus scan   trend micro virus   macintosh virus scan   mcafee virus scan enterprise   norton anti virus corporate   virus scan protection   virus scan shareware   e z trust anti virus   anti firewall virus   anti virus corporate   micro trend virus   e trust ez anti virus   zone alarm anti virus   firewall and virus protection   best virus protector   symantec virus protection   etrust anti virus software   free anti virus and firewall   sonicwall anti virus   mcafee active virus defense   anti software spyware virus   virus protection review   anti virus appliance