network virus scan






network virus scan

This article or section does not cite its references or sources. You can help Wikipedia by introducing appropriate citations. For other uses, see MSN (disambiguation). For the IM service colloquially known as 'MSN', see Windows Live Messenger.

MSN (or the Microsoft Network) is a collection of Internet services provided by Microsoft. Visit Geek Squad to use our free virus scan. Initially released by Microsoft on August 24, 1995, to coincide with the release of Windows 95, the range of services has since expanded greatly. The Hotmail webmail service was amongst the first, followed by the instant messenger service MSN Messenger, which has recently been completely replaced by Windows Live Messenger. Recently, MSN has relaunched many of its services, to compete with rivals, such as Google; new services include MSN Virtual Earth, Desktop Search, and a customizable search engine.

MSN was largely rebranded to Windows Live which saw the release of Windows Live Mail and Windows Live Messenger in 2006 when Microsoft overhauled its online software and services to attract a broader range of customers, in a climate of increasing competition. The Windows Live brand is currently being rolled out service-by-service, with rebranded services being classed as a BETA test, initially. Network Malware Scanner and Removal Tool - Scan ADWARE,TROJANS. It is anticipated that the MSN service will aim at the personal and family user, whilst Windows Live will be a dedicated search facility for various media.

In the United States, MSN is not only a content provider and search engine, it is additionally an Internet Service Provider. In other countries, MSN uses underwriters for their services, in the case of the UK, Microsoft use BTInternet. With 9 million subscribers, MSN is the second largest Internet Service Provider in the United States behind America Online service with 26. 5 million. Computer Virus Scan.

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