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Todd Bentley on Angelfire ..... 

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Who is Todd Bentley? Here are a few links to get you started:  || Bentley'sAngelogy ||| FaithHealerToddBentleyCalledAFraudFalseTeacher (BaptistPress) || ToddBentleyFalseLakelandRevival || ToddBentleyFiresOfKundaliniAndTheDemonSamael || ToddBentleyFlopsInLosAngeles || WhenTheAngelCameTheBranhamConnection (ToddBentley'sStrangeEncountersWithAngels) || WorstAssaultToddBentleyRagingRevivalPart3 (Video) ||

There is so much talk about the latest revival in Lakeland, Florida, I decided to start my own webpage on the revival craze. My plan is to provide scripture and links to articles, showing that Todd Bentley's revival is counterfeit, and that Todd is a false prophet. This is another dangerous event, leading many people astray, and away from God.

If you are confused, but really want to know the One, True, Living God, then do what the Bible says -- Call on the name of Jesus, ask Jesus to forgive your sins, repent, confess your sins, and confess that Jesus is Lord (Romans 10:9-10), and that He was crucified, buried, and resurrected from the dead, and lives forever.

Read your Bible everyday. Memorize scripture, at least several Bible verses each week. Find a rock-solid church, where the people practice the fruit of the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22), especially self-control; that believes in the Bible, teaches the Bible, preaches the Bible; with people who are down-to-earth, sensitive to people's needs and hurts, and provides sound, Biblical support.

Good video with rock solid Bible teaching (only 8 minutes), exposing the bad theology of Todd Bently: || ToddBentleyAndTheTheologyOfGlory ||  
    Todd Bentley teaches/preaches a lot about gold, gold dust, diamonds (falling from thin air, supposedly coming from angels), angel feathers (!!), strange visions (not biblical), changing his stories (According the Todd Bentley, the angel Emma is female, but then Todd changes the story, and says the angel is male. Todd compares this angel to wisdom in Proverbs. How absurb can anyone get??).

More of Todd Bentley's fruit: || ToddBentleyAndTheFloridaRevivalExposed ||  

To sum it up in a nutshell, Todd Bentley is a false teacher, false prophet, and a false evangelist. Todd is doing many things that are contradictory to the word of God. He claims to have seem and received messages from numerous angels, and has even given us names for the angels. Todd is using physical violence at his revival meetings, claiming that God tells him to hit, punch, kick, and bang people's legs like baseball bats!! How bizarre can you get?

He works with and/or otherwise promotes Patricia King of Extreme Prophetic (PatriciaKingTheBlueFlameandanAngelCalledPurity), and he is also very close to aberrant Kansas City prophet Bob Jones, supports Rick Joyner, as well as such churches as the Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship. Todd Bentley’s neo-Pentecostalism is Latter Rain influenced and Bentley now claims to have William Branham’s ministry angels helping him. (ToddBentleyFreshFireMinistriesandLakelandRevival - EternalPathforSeekersofTruth)

Here is a video showing clearly that Todd Bentley uses violence in his revival meetings. He even admits publicaly that he kneed this guy with colon cancer, and uses manipulating language, in order to mislead people, and to cover up for his misdeeds. Todd Bentley is a fraud, and the supposed miracles, well, they are just that! (WorstAssaultAtToddBentleyRagingRevivalPart3 --Video)

Here is evidence that Todd Bentley is a false prophet. But check out what the Bible, the word of God, has to say first: "You may say to yourselves, "How can we know when a message has not been spoken by the LORD ?" If what a prophet proclaims in the name of the LORD does not take place or come true, that is a message the LORD has not spoken. That prophet has spoken presumptuously. Do not be afraid of him. (Deuteronomy 18:21-22)

We would all do well, if we would only get back to Bible, and do things God's way. God warns us about false prophets, and tells us that clearly that a true prophet of God must be 100% accurate!! This wave of counterfeit revivalism would try and get us to believe that a prophet of God need only be accurate 66% of the time!! That is total hogwash!! Don't be duped by the many false teachers and false prophets, who are trying to cover up for their mistakes, when they prophesy things that don't come true.

Matthew 7:15, "Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves."
Matthew 24:11, "and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people."
Matthew 24:24, "For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and miracles to deceive even the elect—if that were possible."

Todd Bentley's Other Gospel: || AnotherDeliberateDeceptionToddBentleyAngelEmmaHasSexChange || Bentley'sAngelogy || ToddBentleyAndTheBranhamAnointing ||  ||  
    Todd Bentley's preaches that we must believe in the angel! Todd claims that the Lord told him this!! Sometimes Todd Bentley is confused, and doesn't even know if the angel is really an angel or Jesus! Is this guy on drugs, hallucinating, or demon possed, or what?

ToddBentleyTheHighlyInaccurateProphet (Video) -- Todd is going from bad to worse, and whatever is worse than worse!! It's bam, bam, and now boom bah, boom bah!! I wonder what would happen if I showed up at one of Todd's meetings, with my Bible opened, and sharing the word with someone? Not coming against Todd, but just sitting or standing, with my Bible, open, reading a scripture to somebody, not even preaching, or witnessing, but just reading my Bible? I have a good idea what would happen! If I didn't stop, they would most likely escort me out of the meeting .... Has anyone tried taking their Bible, and reading the scripture to someone, where Todd can see that?

Todd Bentley does what many psychics practice, called cold reading. Read more here .... Todd Bentley Prophesying and Doing Some Bad Cold Reading (End Times Prophetic Words/Word Press)

Todd Bentley, "Fill up your barrel!" How bizarre can anyone get? (FillUpYourBarrelVideo). Now Todd Bentley is acting very stupid. He keeps reputing the name, "Bob," and laughs uncontrolably along with the audience. Then he says "Bob" again, and again, and everyone is laughing hysterically. Is anything like this really from God? Where do we find people in the Bible laughing at the name "Bob," or any other name? Todd Bentley is NOT from God. He is from the devil, Satan himself.

Watch the video for youself ... Todd Bentley Bobbing For The Anointing ...

Todd Bentley and his twisted theology on angels: || AngelicHosts (byToddBentley) ||  

How bizarre can anyone get? More bad theology from Todd Bentley (pomegranates, portals, angels): || PropheticsReports (Freshfire) || Todd BentleyEncouragingAstralProjection ||  ||  


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