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Monday, 30 January 2006
Rather depressing continuation...
Didn't manage to get back out again at the weekend. Which is quite bad considering the BEAUTIFUL sun and blue sky we had on Saturday! Actually I wasn't feeling too well and didn't want to risk this cold developing into something worse.. So most of Saturday and all of Sunday was spent watching 8 (yes, eight!) films with a hanky and mugs of hot chocolate.

Doesn't look like I'll have any luck getting back out again this week either, though I'm putting my hopes up for Friday again. I am free to go tonight, but have decided it's not a good idea. I think I should wrap up with a hot toddy instead ;)

Posted by planet/vosso at 18:30 CET
Updated: Wednesday, 1 February 2006 11:47 CET
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Friday, 27 January 2006
The Norwegian forest (Nordmarka) in the dark, Orion's Belt, and me! Magic.

A friend called me earlier this evening and asked if I wanted to join her in the lit skitracks. Of course I wanted to! We did 2 rounds, and then talked for about 30 minutes in the cold until the lights suddenly went. It was 10 pm, and the lights were supposed to be turned off. I still had about 1km left, and I decided to do it in the dark instead of going along the roads. I think I want to do it again! If I'm lucky, I'll have someone to do it with as well.. a romantic ski trip in the dark!

Just to make one thing straight - I am talking cross country here. It's the third time I'm out here in Nittedal, ever. First time was last Saturday when I did one lap. Monday night I did another one, and today we did 2. The last lap time was 35 minutes which is not bad for just under 3.5 km (we think...).

I hope I manage to do it regularly. It's great exercise, and probably the most fun one ever! At least it's one I can do, which is not bad.

Skiing so far: 4 laps (total 14 km)

Posted by planet/vosso at 23:08 CET
Updated: Friday, 27 January 2006 23:58 CET
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