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Wednesday, 15 March 2006
Skiing and my own flat!
Topic: Evening skiing
The estate agent phoned me during lunch to tell me that nobody had used their option to buy the flat in Nedre Nyg?rd 17D, so I'd got it! I could feel the adrenaline raising as I was speaking to her. Now I just need to make some smaller decisions like how much money do I keep for furniture, and when do I want to move?

At 8.45pm, I met up with my faithful skiing buddy again. We did 2 laps of the ski tracks before a good gab at the end next to her exit. I then got to ski home in the dark again. Even though it was overcast, it was still light enough to easily see where I was going. I had borrowed a head lamp, but didn't really need it.

Skiing was not quite as easy as on Monday night, but it was still easy, and I thoroughly enjoyed the exercise. My friend said that she's normally at her peak fitness at the end of the skiing season, and then it's reduced throughout the summer. I'm afraid it'll be the same for me this year, but I'm really happy that I'm doing so well so far! Perhaps it'll inspire us to continue through the summer nights as well? We can always hope!

Skiing so far: 10 laps (total 31 km) + other trips, 49,5 km

Posted by planet/vosso at 00:01 CET
Updated: Thursday, 16 March 2006 23:27 CET
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Monday, 13 March 2006
Moonlit skiing to ?rfiske and Movatn!
Topic: Evening skiing
Tonight was another magic night! My ski-buddy and I did another moonlit ski trip. I started off just before 8.30pm, and got home just after 11. My friend thought we'd done about 10 km altogether, and I think that sounds reasonable! The forest is magical at night, and it was so cold that the snow had scatterings of diamonds and the trees had fairy dust on them. It all shone in the moonlight!

I think we were both in awe of this beautiful nature we have and how it cleanses the soul and thoughts to be out there enjoying it like that!

Skiing so far: 8 laps (total 24 km) + other trips, 49,5 km.

Posted by planet/vosso at 00:01 CET
Updated: Tuesday, 14 March 2006 08:55 CET
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Saturday, 11 February 2006
Skiing by moonlight
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: Evening skiing
Imagine the forest in bright moonlight (yes, bright! In fact, almost a full moon). Then imagine snow on the trees around you, about minus 10 Celsius, and a good friend by your side. That's how tonight was! Kari Anne and I skied to Movatn, around 4 km away. The moon is full tomorrow I think, so the light was plenty.

Such times it's easy to understand how the tales about trolls and hulders came about. The forest is truly magical late at night! We started at 8.30pm with another friend, but she didn't want to do the Movatn trip, so we did 1 lap of the lit ski tracks first. We then left her to go home whilst we headed for Movatn. We got back just after 11pm. I will remember this trip for a long, long time!

Tomorrow night, a local group is organising a moonlit skiing trip to Råsjøen. It would be a nice way to meet some new people I guess!

Skiing so far: 7,5 laps (total 22,5 km) + 1 trip to Movatn (8 km)

Posted by planet/vosso at 00:05 CET
Updated: Saturday, 11 February 2006 11:12 CET
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Thursday, 9 February 2006
Another success!
Topic: Evening skiing
After a couple of days with *thinking* about going out skiing, I managed on Monday night! I met up with Kari Anne at 8.40 (should have been 8.30!), and we did 2 laps of the ski tracks. It was quite a bit colder than last time (just under -5C I think), perfect conditions, and the wax-choice was yet again a near match.

The plan is to get back out tomorrow, Friday for the same again. I also hope to get another woman to join us. I haven't managed to time the laps yet, but we are doing them in around 30 minutes, give or take a few. I think that's pretty good going, and we still manage to chat quite a bit as well.

Skiing so far: 6 laps (total 21 km)

Posted by planet/vosso at 20:36 CET
Updated: Thursday, 9 February 2006 20:58 CET
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