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Thanks for visiting our site! I've fallen hopelessly behind on my updates to Reid's blog since Olive, but now that Ronin has joined our family I've been inspired to continue with our family blog. You can link to it by clinking "The Waltenburg Boys' Blog" below. Enjoy!

The World of Reid and Ronin Waltenburg

"Bon" in the Oven (pregnancy blog: dec '05-aug '06)
Reid's Birth Story (gory details and all)
Happy Birth Day! (photos: Reid's birth day: aug 20 '06)
Ried's First Days (photos: aug 21-31 '06)
How's Baby Reid? (baby blog: aug-dec '06)
Just Can't Get Enough (more Reid pics: sept-dec '06)
Reid's Journal (jan '07-april '07)
Reid's Journal (may '07-sept '07)
The Waltenburg Boys' Blog (jan 0'09-current)

Other Blogs

Sweet Little Angel Baby
New Houses

Other Photo Albums

Livermore Wine-Tasting (7/06)
Baby BBQ (6/06)
Real World Capitola (5/06)
Hawaii Babymoon (5/06)
Colby's 30th Birthday -Paintballing (2/06)
Colby's 30th Birthday -Bite n Brew (2/06)
Honeymoon in London (3/04)
Honeymoon in Spain (3/04)
Honeymoon in Morocco (3/04)
Our Wedding Photos (3/13/04)
More Wedding Photos (3/13/04)
Wedding Reception (3/13/04)
Miscellaneous Photos