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                          B.E.S.T WATER PAGE                                                                                     © 2006 Renal Advantage Inc.



      Daily Water Quality Log
      Daily Water Log Instructions
      Total Chlorine Checklist
      Chlorine Breakthrough Log
      DI Monitoring Log
    RO System
      Mixing Valve
      Backflow Preventor
      Booster Pump
      Expansion Tank
      Multimedia Filter
      Timer Heads
      Water Softener
      Carbon Tanks
      RO Prefilters
      RO System
      Storage Tank
      Recirculation Pump
      UV Light
      DI Tanks
      DI Monitor
      Endotoxin Filters
      Water Quality Monitor
      Pressure Gauges
      Sample Ports
      Chlorine Breakthrough
   23 G

          - There is not enough incoming water pressure to turn on the RO.
              a. Check the pre-RO tanks and make sure none are in backwash or regenerate. If Multmedia filter
                  or carbon tanks are in backwash, slowly turn timer nob to start position then turn off the RO
                  and then turn it back on again. If your softener is in regenerate you will have to wait until it
                  completes its cycle.

              b. Check the incoming water pressure at gauge G6. Incoming pressure must be above 20 psi to
                  turn on the RO unit.

                  1. If G6 reads between 20-60 psi your pretreatment filters may be clogged and need to be replaced.
                  2. If G6 reads below 20 psi move back through pre-RO plumbing and check gauges G5, G4, G3,
                      and G2.

                      Gauge         Approximate Range
                      G2              60-80 psi
                      G3              50-66 psi
                      G4              44-58 psi
                      G5              36-50 psi

                                         If out of range try:
                      G2               Make sure valve B2 is closed all the way.
                      G3               Multimedia filter may be clogged. Try bypassing the multimedia filter. Open valve C2.
                                         Close valves C1 and C3. Turn RO off and on again.
                      G4               Softener may be clogged. Try bypassing the softener. Open valve D2. Close valves D1
                                         and D3. Turn RO off and on again.
                      G5               Your primary carbon tank may be clogged. DO NOT BYPASS CARBON TANKS!
                                         Call BEST.