24th August 06 Sprite's following Battlestar Galactica stories have been added Come Hither, Learning to Love, Prayer of an Unbeliever, Prayer of a Believer, Quantification: A poem and analysis, Some People Suck 1 and 2, Surprise, Surprise, Tied in Knots, Knocked Some Sense into him, The Nature of Walls, Reverse Psychology
20th August 06 Scorch's Ace High pg-16 has been added to the Buffy Fanfiction page, After Dinner Mint, Bedtime Story N, Big Blue, Big Dog NC-17 have all been added to the Angel Fanfiction page
Sprite Beginning of a legend, Immortal Beloved A poem have both been added to the Battlestar Galactica Fanfiction Page
A Babylon 5, Harry Potter and Veronica Mars sections have been added stories coming soon
5th August 06 Scorch's Final Fantasy 7 and Pride and Prejudice is now up, also Buffy's Star Wars Story is also up
3rd August 06 More site tidy up
2nd August 06 Site tidied and Buffy's BSG stories have been added and a Star Wars and Buffy Section added and the next chapter of Prophecy Boy in the crossover section