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WMW: Bermuda Triangle Episode 6

Full Results:

The Battle over Britain: Gorgo vs

The Battle over Britain: Gorgo vs. Kothoga!


WMW: Bermuda Triangle Match #6


Rei: 'Ello governor! If your wondering why I'm talking like this it’s only because today we are going to have a match made right for good old Britain!


Kavu: As Rei kindly put it, we are having two Great Britain Kaiju coming into the arena tonight. So, Rei, can you introduce these two British Kaiju?


Rei: Ok fine, why not, I got nothing better to do with my Saturdays. Today our two Kaiju will be Gorgo and Kothoga! Now as you all probably know Gorgo is another ancient Kaiju that was released by a volcanic eruption. She, yes she not he, came to Britain to find her baby that was apparently Kaiju-napped. Well as you can guess she came, she destroyed, and she saved her baby. So let’s see if this overly loving mommy can hold a stick to Kothoga!


Kavu: Ok, know I'll explain the lesser known Kaiju, Kothoga. Ok, here we go. Kothoga is an actually a human. Well a human that was mutated into a giant freakish Kaiju! The Kothoga(s) eat only a certain plants, or if it available, one other thing(it’s too gruesome to say on the air). The original Kothoga was finally killed by lighting it on fire. Gorgo is going to have a tough time dealing with this one.


Rei: Ok, since this is a Britain Kaiju match, I think it’s only natural that we put them in the only arena that could fit this fight. A complete replica of London, England! So to everyone out there watching us right now! Let’s see some action! ! !



Gorgo vs. Kothoga




Both Kaiju have been transported into the replicated London, England. *DING DONG*! With the tone of the bell been sounded Kothoga immediately runs behind a building and starts to stealthily watch his prey. Gorgo on the other hand just looks around for Kothoga. Now just staring at one specific building Gorgo simply charges at it, knocking it down. With the building toppling down Gorgo rams into the one beside it and makes that one topple. I would hazard a guess to say she is trying to flush Kothoga out before he strikes her, or maybe being back in Britain is bringing back a bad memory, hard to tell. Now on her fifth building Gorgo shows not one sign of slowing down. And still waiting in the shadows is Kothoga waiting for the right time to paunch. And that time is . . . NOW! With Gorgo's back turned to him, Kothoga paunches on Gorgo and uses his mandible pinches to latch right on to her neck. But Kothoga's mandible pinchers only reach about half an inch deep, due to Gorgo's extremely tough armor. Almost like being bitten by a gnat or a mosquito. But even a mosquito can be annoying, as so is Kothoga being to Gorgo. And so she flings herself backwards, right into the corner of a building. Now wedged between a Kaiju and a hard place (bad pun, I know ^_^) Kothoga has on were to run this time. So what does Kothoga do? Well, he starts to bite, claw, and kick Gorgo in the back until she lets him free. Whether by being even more annoyed or by it actually hurting, Gorgo amazingly lets her enemy free to go! As Kothoga jumps to get a good distance away Gorgo grabs him by the tail and hurls him into . . . No! Not Big Ben! And with a loud crash Kothoga slams into the clock of the replicated Big Ben.  With thuds that could be heard in America the broken pieces of Big Ben crash on top of Kothoga, who is now being buried under tons of twisted steel and concrete. Gorgo takes a step back and observers what she thinks is the final resting place of her annoying foe. But it is not to be! As the smoke clears we see Kothoga stumbling out of the debris.  But he has an odd look in his eye, a look not for revenge, but the look of someone who hasn't eaten in days. With that look Kothoga turns toward the announcer’s booth.


Rei: Uh, Kavu. I don't like the way he is eyeing us.


Kavu: Rei, you know how I said Kothoga(s) eat only a certain plant and something else, right?


Rei: Uh, yea? Why?


Kavu: Kothoga(s) eat human brains! Human as in what we are!


Rei: I maybe sweet but not that sweet! Let’s get out of here! Sorry everyone, but we can't have a Saturday Scare if we're de brained! Kavu lets go!


[As Kavu and Rei make a dash for Kavu's parked space ship (Kavu: I ride in style ^_^) Kothoga charges the announcers booth. Now inside the booth Kothoga trashes the place like a bunch of drunken teenagers!]




Kavu: Ok are we back on? Yes! Ok, now that Kothoga has been subdued, and then feed his certain plant, by our faithful Kaiju referee Stero. I would like to say that was a close one and I wasn't even scared on bit.


Rei: Liar liar pants one fire! You were the one who was scared the most! You screamed like a little girl! And if you were the one not scared it because you’re the only one without a brain! ZZZ.


Kavu: Yea, this coming from the one who falls asleep while talking. Anyway, Now with Kothoga been feed. Let’s get this match back up and running!


The two Kaiju are now transported back to where they where. *DING-DONG*! There goes the bell to sound that the match has begun a new! Kothoga now knows that hiding in wait wont work because Gorgo will just flush him back out, it also doesn't help that around 60% of the structures are gone. So that plan just amounts to squat. So what to do what to do? Well, you plainly charge him and hope you kill him before he kills you. And that's what both are going to do as Gorgo and Kothoga rams each other right on the head. With Gorgo having strong armor and Kothoga being strong built neither is going to give way. So it’s a dead lock between these two that WMW: Bermuda Triangle is seeing all too often. But thanks to GOD it doesn't last as long as some of the other as Gorgo bites off Kothoga's right arm! Well I don't know about you, but just about anything would falter then if that happened to them. So now on one knee Kothoga glances up and beholds the sight of Gorgo gleefully peering down at him. With her mighty arms Gorgo lifts 500 pound Kaiju and hurtles him clear out of the arena!


Kavu: That's a Count out! If Kothoga doesn't get back into the arena in 20 seconds he is out of the game out Gorgo will be dubbed the winner. 17 . . . 16 . . . 15 . . . 14 . . . 13 . . . 12 . . . 11 . . . 10 . . . 9 . . . 8 . . . 7 . . . 6 . . . 5 . . . 4 . . . 3 . . . 2 . . . 1! And Gorgo is the winner! Gorgo wins by a Count Out!


Rei: And here comes Kothoga holding his head up high. Now with Kothoga back in the arena the two Kaiju who, just a few seconds ago, were ducking it out in mortal combat are now shaking each others hands. Well I guess that goes to show you that even if you’re defeated you can still be a winner in one way or the other, he-he-he.


Kavu: Yup, it looks like Gorgo and Kothoga hold no hard feelings to each other. And who knows they might team up with each other when we hold the WMW World Tag Team Belt. So, with an announcer’s booth to rebuild and more matches to file, Good-bye and Good night everyone!