Dragon Battle Royal!!!
Full Results:
WMW: Bermuda
Triangle #21
Kavu: OK, so this is our twenty-first episode. So we are going to bring back the two-on-two matches!
Rei: So that means we are going to have Gojira (or Godzilla for those who don't know his real name) and another kaiju come in and fight two other, most likely, evil kaiju.
Kavu: So thanks to jedi_trex@yahoo.com for sending us an episode we could do. Thanks and I hope you do enjoy!
Rei: Since Kavu told everyone about the request for this match, I get to tell about the match itself. Today we are going to have Gojira FW and Kiryu fight off Orochi and Grand King Ghidorah! Their match will be held in . . . I don't know . . . Paris, France!
Godzilla Final Wars and Kiryu v.s. Orochi and Grand King Ghidorah
The Beta-19 creates a replicated Paris, France where Kiryu is being based. The City is nice and quiet until a giant screech pierces the sky! Grand King Ghidorah (who from know on will just be called Ghidorah) lands on a building and topples it into rubble. Kiryu is immediately sent out to destroy the invader, as Kiryu runs toward Ghidorah he swings his twin-lasers at the giant kaiju, who stands a full 20 meters above him! Ghidorah easily steps out of the way and grabs Kiryu with his leftmost and rightmost heads then begins to thrash at Kiryu's chest until it begins to spark! With Ghidorah slamming his middle head into Kiryu's chest, he screams out in pain! Once his enemiesEchest is sparking heavily Ghidorah charges his gravity beams up to destroy his enemy quickly. When all of a sudden an atomic blast shoots Ghidorah back, slamming the giant 80 meter kaiju into the Eiffel Tower! Ghidorah stares up and sees Gojira lumbering up to save Kiryu, whose screams of pain are what, summoned the king of the monsters. Ghidorah sends out a couple of gravity beams at Gojira, but all Gojira does is leap out of the way. Ghidorah quickly swings his heads upwards and shoots a triple ray of gravity beams. Gojira, who is still in mid air, cannot move out of the way, but luckily he doesn't have too. Because Kiryu stands up and uses his homing missiles to blow the flares Ghidorah sent out to harm Gojira. Ghidorah searches around and sees both Gojira and Kiryu, ready and willing to fight. Both Kiryu and Gojira send out, at the same time nonetheless, their mouth beam attacks at Ghidorah! Ghidorah is barley able to block the attack, then screeches up into the sky. From the sky a meteor crashes down upon the once beautiful city of Paris! Orochi emerges from the meteor and immediately begins to shoot red lightning bolts from his mouth; and then Ghidorah gets up and sends out his gravity beams. Kiryu and Gojira both send out their mouth beams. In a blinding flash of light all four kaiju are engulfed in a sea of fire and nuclear energy! From the rubble Gojira crawls out, soon after that Ghidorah arises with his shield up but still badly damaged, then Orochi rises up beaten very badly, and finally Kiryu jets out with massive amounts of wires showing. Gojira rushes at Ghidorah and tail-whips his last two remaining heads; Ghidorah couldn't do anything about it because his shield had just been released. Gojira then begins to thrash at Ghidorah's entire body. Orochi runs at Kiryu and wraps his heads around Kiryu's neck, then Kiryu remembers his laser blade and drill hand, so he begins to saw and stab Orochi in the chest. Unfortunately Orochi is stronger (well not exactly, Kiryu is stronger, but he is more tired out) and snaps Kiryu's neck, killing him immediately! Gojira and Ghidorah are still battling it out, with Ghidorah doing the major damage here. Ghidorah skips backwards and begins to flap his wings, creating a hurricane force wind! Gojira, although being hit in the head with some debris, sends out a blast of energy! The nuclear pulse sends out a wave of energy that knocks Ghidorah on his feet. As Gojira stand back up, Orochi tries to hop onto Gojira and bite his head. Gojira, knowing somehow knowing that Orochi was there, grabs Orochi by the neck(s) and judo-flips Orochi onto the Eiffel Towers top, spearing him and instantly killing him! Gojira is breathing heavily right about now, as Ghidorah gets up by his gravity field. Both last standing kaiju are incredibly running low on energy, so they only have one thing left to do . . . LET IT ALL OUT! So Grand King Ghidorah charges the biggest gravity beam he has ever used and sends it out at Gojira! Gojira on the other hand spins around and shots out his most powerful spiral thermonuclear breath! The beams collide and spark in a furry of life, each beam trying to out match the other. Finally the beams explode and devastate the two kaiju, and in its path obliterate the rest of the city! Gojira struggles to get up, and eventually Ghidorah does the same. Both kaiju stare at each other with blank, dull, no-ones-there looks on their faces. Gojira takes one step forward and slugs to one knee, Ghidorah laughs at how weak his once major enemy is. As Ghidorah finishes laughing he gets a glazed look on his face and falls flat on his back. After a few minutes Ghidorah's face contorts and then, with a large sigh, Grand King Ghidorah dies.
Rei: That is our battle! And what a battle it was!
Kavu: One-on-one! Who needs it! That was the most awesome battle I have ever seen! It was like you didn't know just WHAT would happen next!
Rei: Do you think we could do a three-on-three after that? I mean, this was cool and all, but a three-on-three would probably just be awesome!
Kavu: Who knows, maybe someone out there has an idea for a three-on-three match. And once again special thanks to jedi_trex@yahoo.com for sending in this match request! And to everyone out there, who likes these matches, keep on reading!
Rei: And send us more matches if you could (^_^).