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World One Globe

Synchronized Harmony

- its a beautiful world -

The New Dawn Of Life & Hope

(this is an awareness drive on global challenges and how we can overcome them by working together)


----------------- Global scenario case 1 -----------------

[Cultural Diversity is our Main Tool as a Civilization]


global melting pot of humans getting together

an example that we can get together as humans based on daily activities 




 In to the future together as one as  global unity is the focus of this portal


  global faces            Global hands                 Global hearts               global earth



Culture & Heritage, Food, Music and Language.

when it comes together it proves one thing and that's we all get together after all.

race, nationality and religion are secondary items when it comes to getting along.

the clips below show that we do get along between our human selves & when a thing like that happens,

its a beautiful world !

thus a melting pot is created.

a global mix of culture, tradition, background and nationality comes to life.

Cultural Diversity we can achieve

 Globally today by accepting one another for who we truly are

This tool if evoked is the key for us to

 Unlocking our Fears Toward one Another Globally.


powered by sledgeShades films




World One Globe

Synchronized Harmony

-c 2007 & Beyond-
