
 The Price They Paid Index

1.  The Price

2.  Chemistry 101

3.  Relena Rants

4.  Campfires I

5. Campfires Pt II

6.  Prohibited Substances Pt I

7.  Prohibited Substances Pt II

8.  Heavy Machinery

9.  Track and Field

10. Community Service

11. Friends

12. In the Public Eye I

13. In the Public Eye II

14. Games

15. Tea For Two

16. Teamwork

17. Campfires Redux

18. Shocks and Aftershocks

19. Psych Out

20. A Musical Interlude

21. Temper

22. Bitter Goodbyes

23. Trials and Tribulations

24. Duo of All Trades: Part I

25. Duo of All Trades: Part II

26. Interlude

27. It Walks

28. Of Horses and Gundam Pilots

29. Having a Ball: Part I

30. Having a Ball: Part II

31. After the Ball

32. Mall Crawl

33.  Back to Work

34. A Bomb Made In Heaven

35. The Calm Before The Storm

36. Stress Relief

37. Gearing Up Pt. I

38. Gearing Up Pt. II

39. Opening Gambit

40. First Move

41. Middle Game Move 1

42. Middle Game Move 2

43. End Game

44. Check and Mate