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Disclaimer: I don’t own Gundam Wing. I just borrowed some of the characters.
Rated: NC-17
Willow's long divider
The Price They Paid
Middle Game Move II

Betaed by Skippyscatt


Duo watched as Zechs took Wufei away to speak privately. He didn't like this much, but he knew that it was the only way. He wondered if Heero had a backup plan or was just going along with the negotiators.

Heero walked up behind Duo. Putting his arms around him he asked, "Not mad are you?"

Duo snorted, "Me? Actually, no. I know you're right. I'll say something stupid and get my slats stove in. But you nearly gave Zechs an aneurism."

Heero nibbled at Duo's ear. "I know. He'll get over it. I have to go see the sheriff. I need to get hold of a man about a set of specialty chains."

Duo immediately had questions which Heero answered with a small smirk.


Sheriff Haskins looked up from his papers with a sigh, "boy, I know I'm not going to like what you're going to say. I can tell by your face. So, spit it out."

Heero couldn't help but grin at the sheriff. He regarded the man in the light of a particularly grumpy uncle. "Ok. I need to speak to Fitz, at the chain gang HQ."

"Old Fitz that makes the leg irons? What the hell for?" Heero could tell from the sheriff's face that he already didn't like things and he didn't even know what they were yet.

"I need him to make me a set of irons. Full transport set . . . and can I ask what your first name is?"

"Leviticus, call me that an' I'll whip your ass. Figuratively speaking. Call me Levi. Now what the hell do you need those for?"

Heero told him and nearly jumped out of his skin at the reply.

"No! Not only no, but hell no. God damn fucking no way in hell no. I'm not turning one of you over to those maniacs. Not a chance. For. Get. It." Levi slapped his hand down on the nearby table, making it rock. "You boys. And you are boys. You should be doing what ever it is boys do. TP-ing the court house, tying cans to the frame of a cruiser, hanging out at the mall. Whatever. Not offering up one of yourselves as a sacrifice. Damn, son, I know you know what you're doing, but you can just forget it. Find another way."

Heero blinked at Levi for a moment. "Take it easy, don't pop your cork. Wufei is as good at this as any of us. I've got it all planned with the negotiator. All we need is a little tweaking here and there. Talk to Wyncham, he'll explain it all to you. I've got to get hold of Fitz. I'm going to find him myself." Heero left before the sheriff could blast him again, calling for a driver as he went.

One of the Spec Ops team decided he didn't have anything better to do than take Heero around, so he offered to drive him. Heero smiled at the man and remarked that they could compare scars or something.


The drive didn't take long so they didn't actually compare scars but they did talk about missions and the vagaries of Command. They both agreed that Command was necessary but did they have to be such assholes?

"Well, we're here. What do you need? Can I help?" Dale parked the jeep they'd come down the mountain in and leaned back in his seat.

"I need chains for Wufei. Special ones. I'm hoping a trustee here can make them for me." Heero got out of the jeep and headed for the door.

Special Operations Officer Dale grimaced. "And just how the hell do you know this con?"

Heero couldn't help the rather mean grin. "He made my gang irons. I figure he can do what I need."

S.O.O. Dale just goggled at Heero as he knocked firmly on the door then opened it and entered.

He was greeted by Fitz himself. "Well, boy, sad to see you here again. I thought you got out."

"Did." Heero settled into the chair Fitz pushed his way.

"So, why you here then?"

"Need something."

Fitz made a disgusted face. "You gonna tell me or do I need a crow bar."

Heero shrugged. He was going to enjoy this as much as possible. "Crow bar? I'm as verbal as . . . ."

"…Your ordinary clam. Boy, you want, you ask. So talk."

Fitz listened carefully as Heero described exactly what they were doing and what he needed. When Heero was finished, Fitz rubbed the back of his neck.

"Well, hell. You really are one of the Gundam pilots, aren't you?"

Heero nodded, grinning. "Yup. That's me. Why I was inside. I'm supposed to be the commanding officer. Not really, but there you are. Why?"

Fitz grinned back at Heero then turned around and yelled, "Hey. Perkins. You owe me twenty. He's the real deal. ‘A shouted, ‘well shit' was his answer.

"Ok, how we going to do this? I could come there but I need tools. Can you bring your man here?"

Heero bit at his lip. Zechs was going to be difficult no matter what. And he needed Duo too. He sighed softly. "No one likes this at all. I'll call and see what they want to do. You need tools you have here. I'm not sure what tools we need from there. It'll take a bit to set up. Got any real suggestions?"

Fitz picked at a hangnail as he thought. "You really sure you want to expose your friends to this"

"I'm sure I don't, but I don't have much choice. Wufei and Zechs are an item. Duo's my partner. Besides, we're more liable to corrupt you than the other way around. Just one thing. . ." Fitz raised an eye brow. "Don't touch Duo's braid. He'll gut you."

Fitz raised his hands in a ‘wouldn't think of it gesture' and started making notes.

Heero called Duo who took about two minutes to check what tools and equipment he'd need and came back to say that they would be there in twenty minutes. "If Wufei doesn't kill Zechs first. I tell ya. He's making us both nuts. Like some kind of big, blond, Germanic fuss budget. If he doesn't quit, I swear I'm handcuffing him to something the size of Mt. Rushmore. Be there in a few." Duo hung up and yelled at Wufei and Zechs to put wheels under it and come on. Zechs poked his head out of their tent and yelled that they were coming. Duo recognized the strain in his voice.

It didn't take them long to get down to the Sheriff's substation and find Heero.


Wufei stood stoically to be measured by Fitz. Zechs paced frenetically in the back ground. All he could think was; why Wufei, why not someone else. Why not him. Relena was his sister after all so, why not he instead of his young, beautiful lover. This didn't make sense. He couldn't seem to get himself calm. And he needed to be calm for Wufei it wouldn't do for him to fall apart now.

Zechs returned to Wufei in time to hear him say, "I don't like it. What if they find the wiring, or something fails. One of the links could be too strong or too weak. Anything . . . I'm just . . ."

"Not comfortable with the whole idea." Zechs finished for him. "And quite right. I'm not comfortable with the whole idea. I . . . Relena is my sister and I'd do almost anything for her. But I can't be happy with this. Wufei put his life on the line for her and peace time after time. Lost his whole family. Now, when we should all be settling into something . . . I have no words for it . . . we're back on the front lines. I get out of prison and right back to doing what I was incarcerated for." He made a disgusted face. "And I'm rambling like a crazy man." The stream of curse words amused Heero and Wufei, who understood him. Fitz just shook his head.

"Look mister. I do good work. I been doin' this for years. I can make a set of irons for anybody. I can make them light or heavy. Easy or hard. And, as to this jiggering a set, not a problem. I'll make the chains standard except for one link. I'll have to chrome plate it, but I'll make it of soft steel. All he'll have to do is twist it and it'll open. I got a few ideas about other little kinks too. So why don't you settle somewhere and cuddle the boy. He don't look happy either. Heero, I need to talk to you, or whoever it is that's got the goods."

Duo raised a hand. "That'd be me. I have a transmitter and an antenna that need to be hidden it the things somewhere. I'll show it to you and we'll see what we can do." Duo hopped down from the counter top where he'd been sitting sniping at Wufei as Fitz measured him.

Wufei glowered at him for a moment but gave it up as Duo just gave him a maniacal grin and the bird.

Duo turned to Fitz. "What did you have in mind for the master link? I can machine almost anything. And the transmitter isn't very big, so if we . . . ." The conversation faded away as Fitz and Duo walked deeper into the shop. Wufei sighed and rubbed his face.

"Zechs, you must keep yourself together. I don't like this any better than you do, but what can we do but give them what they want. We have to find Relena. That place is huge, meant to keep more than three thousand men. She could be anywhere inside. You know they'll put me in with her. If for no other reason than that we are the only two prisoners there now. So be calm. Just . . . hold me will you? I'm, quite frankly, scared. Duo has a bad feeling about this whole mission and so do I. I'll deny it to my last breath, but . . ." Wufei was silenced by Zechs's nearly frantic kiss.


Heero watched Wufei and Zechs for a few moments then went in search of Duo. He wanted to know exactly what his two co-conspirators were up to.

What he found out was interesting. Duo and Fitz were deep in conversation when he caught up to them, settling himself on a chair he listened in.

"Well, we could use part of the cuff as the . . . no, that won't work. Too near the ground."
Fitz handled a band of metal expertly. "See. If I cut just a little out here, we can put the transmitter right in the cuff. If he will wear the old style irons, we can use one of the straights as an antenna . . ."

Duo frowned. "Don't know what you're talking about. Straights? What's that?"

Fitz picked up a set of leg irons. Duo recognized them as the type Heero had worn. "Look here. See, old time people were different, they took care of stuff different. We copied the style from a kind used in the early 20th. A leg iron will wear as the con walks, it'll take the skin clear off, so they made the irons with an up right strap of steel. See?" Fitz held up one circle of the cuffs. "This upright goes up the outside of the leg and the leather fastens around the leg under the knee. Keeps the cuff from turning on your ankle. Keeps a guy from getting shackle poisoned." Duo fingered the contraption and asked "What's that?"

"Infection. Starts in the raw and travels into your system. It'll kill you slow." Fitz smiled grimly. "Haven't had a case of it here in . . . well, ever. Not that I recall nor the guy who taught me neither. So . . . what do you think."

Duo eyed the shackles. "I think these are perfect. We can make the bands a little thicker and use a sloppy looking weld to hide the transmitter. If you make a belt of riveted leather, it'll distract from the leg irons. And we can use the chain from the middle of the leg chain to the belt for the antenna. The rivets will hide all kinds of stuff. I bet we could even get a camera in if we fiddle enough. What do you think?"

Fitz just shook his head. "I think I don't want to know how you got all that in your head already. If we make a master link out of mild steel he'll be able to break it?"

Duo nodded absently. "Yeah. Heero, we wouldn't have to worry about that. Just chain him up and go on. But Wufei isn't as strong as Heero so we have to jigger it. I'll mill up the link and we can chrome plate the whole deal. Look good, hide a multitude of stuff in some flash. What do you think?"

They both laughed at the return question.

Fitz handed Duo a block of mild steel and a link to copy. "I think you better get on the ball, son. We got how long to get this done?"

Heero interjected. "About six to eight hours. Then they'll start asking uncomfortable questions. I'll see if I can't get a mini-cam from somewhere."

Duo pointed to the door. "Get that guy who drove you to take you over to the station. Go in the trailer and back about two-thirds of the way. Top shelf. Cubby E-14 or 15. There's a bunch of mini electronics. I think I saw just what I want there. Morefield 24-5 EJG. Real nice. About the size of the end of your finger. We can probably hide it in the buckle of the waist strap. If not I'll figure out something else."

Heero left to get what Duo wanted, giving Wufei and Zechs a sympathetic look as he went.

When Heero returned, Duo was fussing with a belt around Wufei's waist. Wufei looked like he'd swallowed a bug and was being petted by Zechs. Heero knew that the whole thing had to be embarrassing for Wufei and wondered whether Zechs was making it better or worse. He decided to let it go.

"Duo, I got what you wanted and I found some other stuff that was interesting. There's a note here that I'm sure you didn't see, as it's not opened. It's from Une."

Duo made a face. "No, I didn't see it. If I had, I doubt I would read it anyway. Woman gets on my nerves. Read it to me will you?"

Heero opened the note and read it through once. Then he read it again. "Well, I'll be dipped in shit."


Heero cleared his throat. "Everybody come here." Wufei and Zechs stepped closer to hear what Heero had to say. "Une says that we are authorized to do whatever is necessary. Including blow up the entire prison as long as Relena comes out unscathed. Nice to know that at any rate. So . . . we have a few more options and I need to make another trip to the war chest."

Wufei rubbed at his stomach and grimaced. "And the pharmacy, I need some more stomach powders."

Duo looked at Wufei, concern shining in his eyes. "You alright? I think you should see a doctor. You've had a sensitive stomach every since Heero went up the river. Or what ever."

Zechs started to say something but a glare from Wufei shut him up. "I'll see a doctor when this is over. I'm just going to have to tough it out until then. Now . . . powders, Heero, please. Zechs, not a word, we've already gone over this. I don't care to hear it again." Zechs glowered sullenly at Heero who glowered right back. Heero grunted and nodded at Zechs who nodded back. They would drag Wufei to a doctor when this mess was done with. Wufei shook his head at Duo and went to ask Fitz a question.


Heero sighed, he didn't want to go back down to the sheriff's station alone. Dale had gotten a call and had to leave him at the station. Heero didn't know why and didn't ask. It wasn't his business.

Fitz noticed Heero standing in the open door and turned to Duo. "Why don't you both go to the station. I don't really need you here just yet. Machining those master links won't take you but a second or two. So go on."

Duo grinned at Fitz. "The master links are in the works right now. I used the 3-D scanner to make a jig. Then I set up the automatic machine tool to make several of them. If it was something else, I'd hand machine it, but it's just a link. The machine will do it just as good as I could. So . . yeah, I think I'll go with Heero. See you on the flip side."

Duo hurried out into the sunny parking lot. "Hey! Heero! Wait up. I'll go too. I got the system set up to copy that link and it's not like I have to stand over the damn thing."

Heero smiled happily. They took their pleasures where they could when they were on a mission. And this was a mission. Duo hurried to catch up with him so they could walk to the jeep together.

After he was settled in the jeep Duo stretched and sighed. "Heero, we have to get Wuffers to the vet as soon as this mission is over. Those pains aren't going away, even with the powders. And they're the most potent medicine you can get over the counter"

Heero grunted. "Yeah, I know. He's taking an awful lot of them. I don't like it either. Zechs is fit to be tied. You know Wufei, though. He won't interrupt a mission for anything less than getting gut shot."

Duo grunted back and settled to enjoy the ride. He found it pathetic and amusing that Heero was the only driver he really trusted, the only one who didn't have him tense and jumpy. Which was a little strange as Heero drove like a maniac.

It didn't take them long to get to the sheriffs station. They parked in the back parking lot near the trailer and checked in with the officer there. He was the same one Duo had dealt with before. He smiled vaguely at Duo and asked him if he'd mind waiting for a few seconds as he had to check on the arrival of the last of their equipment.

"Last of the equipment? What are you talking about? I thought that Une just sent up what's in there." Duo pointed at the trailer.

"She did. But there's something coming from Winner. Don't know what, just that it's big."

Heero and Duo exchanged looks. Something from Quatre? Heero shrugged.

"We'll hang around as long as it takes."

Duo leaned against a wall and just watched traffic going by. Heero stood for a few minutes then leaned beside him. They had a while to wait but neither one really cared. They were alone for the first time in several days and, while they couldn't indulge in anything more than a few caresses and kisses it was good.

Heero pointed at a motorcycle. "I really would like to have one of those. Nice."

Duo snorted. "A lay-me-down? You're nuts. Those things are awful. Uncomfortable, unstable and down right dangerous. Harley, that's the way to go. Power, balance, great image. Longevity. Things are made of iron. Literally. And they go great on diesel, those others, you have to use gasohol and they run so hot you'll fry your butt."

Heero snickered. He just loved winding Duo up and listening to him rant about carbon-based fuel machinery.

Just looking at the two boys leaning against a wall talking about motorcycles no one would ever have guesses that they were two of the most dangerous men in the solar system. They looked like best friends just hanging out.


Heero blinked then levered himself away from the wall. "Do you hear that?"

Duo nodded, eyes wide. "Two tractor-trailer rigs. Heavy load." He turned to look into Heero's eyes. "No, couldn't be."

Heero shook his head. "You're right, couldn't be."

They both turned to the entrance of the parking lot. Duo clutched at Heero's arm. Heero just stood there with a stupid grin on his face.

It couldn't be a Gundam, but it was.

Heero hurried to the cab of the first truck and nearly dragged the driver out of his seat. The man didn't seem afraid. He was grinning too.

"Hey, I hope to hell you're Yuy, other wise I'm gonna be pissed. Unless you're Maxwell."

Heero shook himself like a dog shedding water. "I'm Yuy. Sorry about that. But if that isn't a Gundam, I'm a fairy princess."

The driver threw back his head and laughed. "Love to see you in a pink tutu. That's technically not a Gundam because it's not made of Gundanium. It's made of one of those new carbon-based synthetics that WEI has been working on for the last year. Mr. Winner sent a message. So . . ."

Duo jumped Heero with a truly evil grin on his face. "It's Scythe. It's my old buddy. God damn. I'm so happy I could just . . ." Duo kissed Heero with all the passion he felt, Heero kissed back bruising both of them. Neither one noticed.

After they got themselves together again, they unloaded the machines. The drivers admitted that they had no idea how to move the mecha so Duo and Heero climbed into the machines and activated the controls. The machines lumbered to their feet.

After getting the mecha off the trailers Duo and Heero both rode the winch cables down to the ground, completely ignoring the crowd that had already gathered.

"There's a message? We need to see it quickly."

The driver just nodded at Heero and said that they needed to wait until Duo and the other driver were there. It didn't take long for Duo to get there. He just poked Heero in the ribs grinning like a lunatic.


"Hello. I'm so sorry that I can't talk to you directly. We're . . . Trowa and I, that is . . . are at L5-Chang. As you know, we're rebuilding the colony. I truly regret that you can't be here. I've tried to get you off Earth since Trowa and I escaped. And, it was an escape. Anyway. I heard that Relena was captured by some fools who are trying to reopen hostilities. This will not happen. I've sent you a little present. They're not Gundams. They're made of a new synthetic that is harder than Gundanium and easier to work with. I'll show you the process when I can. I've threatened to call the stuff Relenium just to aggravate her. But so far we've actually been calling it Neo-Gundanium. Whatever. Make good use of the mecha. As I know you will. I miss you all, my good friends. Trowa sends his best regards. We are hoping to see you in person soon. Good-bye."

Duo whooped in delight. "We can go help build Chang. Wufei will love it. I want this cursed mission over. Heero, we could build a new life there. One where we're not always looking over our shoulders and worrying. What do you say?"

Heero eyed the neo-gundam. It looked just like Wing Zero. "I say. I want to go to L5-Chang and build a colony. Sounds like fun. Now . . . we need to get these machines under cover before the news hounds get here. Come on."

Duo pouted slightly. "And how are we going to do that. And let me gloat just a little ok?"

Heero snorted. "I have a good idea where we can go with the Neo-Gundams. And isn't that a clumsy name? There's a barn near where the HQ is. We can just fly there and walk them in."

Duo nodded. "Yeah, and how do we get back to Wufei and Zechs? The jeep is there."

Heero shook his head. "I'm not worried about that. Fitz can take care of the irons by himself. You coming was just an excuse for me to maul you. Not that you mind much. So, I'll call and tell Zechs what's going on and tell him to bring Wufei, the irons and the jeep and meet us back at HQ."

Duo nodded. "Ok. Sounds good to me. Let's get going . . . man, oh, man. I can't wait. Scythe . . . and did you notice that the harness is better and the com system isn't stuck right over head. And . . ." Duo trailed off with a sheepish grin. "Ok, ok. Let's get it on the stick."


They took the machines, which Duo promptly christened N-Gundams, to the barn and walked inside. The barn was huge, obviously meant for more than just farm machinery, but it barely held the standing machines.

After Duo kissed Heero one more time, they headed for the HQ, no more than a mile away. Heero couldn't help comparing his last run through the area with this one.

"What?" Duo had heard Heero's soft chuckle.

"Last time I ran through here. Fire was nipping at my heels. It's much nicer this time."

Duo yelped loudly and broke his mile eating trot into a smooth run. Heero followed knowing that Duo would slow down soon.

Duo slowed after just a few yards but he kept looking back at Heero. "Come on, buddy. Keep up."

Heero snickered. "Why. I like the view from here."

Duo gave a mock growl and fell back to pace Heero.

They trotted in companionable silence for the rest of the trip. As they trotted into the HQ Duo skidded to a halt, the K-9 units were working out. They didn't see much need for them but they were here in case. Heero patted Duo on the shoulder.


Duo nestled against Heero's side. "I miss Binky. Stupid, maybe, but I do. I got an email from Joe last night with a picture. She looks good. But he says she misses me too."

Heero just hugged Duo and started to turn away. A big man saw them and called over, "Hey, the dogs won't bite you. If you want to come over, come on."

Duo looked at the dogs, most of them were Rotewilers or Sheapards. There was a Doberman as well. But they were dogs and he did miss Binky. "Could we?"

Heero nodded, he wasn't afraid of dogs as long as they were well trained. The badly trained ones just engendered the urge to shoot "Sure. I don't see why not."

They wandered over and settled down with the men. "We really should check in you know."

Heero sighed. "I'll go check in. You stay here. Have fun. I'll be back in a few." Heero leaned down and kissed Duo on the top of the head. Duo smiled up at him then turned to talk to the man who'd invited them over.

"My name's Bud, and that's Joker. I overheard you. I guess the wind is in the right direction. You miss your dog?"

Duo smiled at Bud. "Yeah, you'll laugh I guess. But I sure do. She's so sweet. She just follows me everywhere. She's with her handler at home."

"You got a handler for your dog? Why don't you train her yourself?"

Duo flushed slightly. "I do, but I can't bring her to work with me. It's too dangerous for her."

Several other men had gathered around and were dropping into the conversation as people will. Another officer asked, "Dangerous for her? How's that?"

Duo grinned a little self-consciously. "Well, she's just a little thing. She's a Maltese. I rescued her. I've never had a pet of any kind, never mind a dog. So Quatre and Zechs helped me get a good handler for her. So we'd be sure she was taken care of when I can't be around."

"I see. A Maltese? Kind a small."

Another man snorted. "A Maltese is all heart and no sense. Cute dog." He turned to Duo. "Got a show coat I suppose."

Duo shook his head. "Naw, she was all matted when I got her. She's got a teddy bear."

The conversation turned to other dog matters and several handlers let their dogs come up to Duo. He was delighted that they let him pet them, in fact he wound up in a pack of slobbering, playful dogs who begged to be stroked and petted by him. Several of the men were surprised to see him so delighted by something so simple.

Heero finally had to call Duo to come to the HQ to talk to the sheriff. Duo left reluctantly giving each dog a final pat and thanking the handler for letting him socialize with the dogs.


"Well, what now? Thanks for letting me have time with the dogs. I miss Binky a bunch."

Heero smiled at Duo gently. "Believe it or not, I miss her too. It was nice to have something . . . one? . . . whatever, that loves so unconditionally. I sent a mail just now to check on her. Maybe get a picture or two." Heero shook himself. "Back to business. Wufei and Zechs have just gotten back from Fitz. The irons are great. Look like they'd hold an elephant, but I tested the master links a bit. They'll break fairly easily. Wufei can do it with a little effort."

Duo nodded. "Which is good. Wouldn't do for him to trip and just have them part like paper. So . . . did you tell them about the N-Gundams?"

Heero shook his head. "I made an excuse with the sheriff, but I . . . have a gut feeling the fewer people who know about them for now the better off we'll be. So we'll surprise them later."

Wufei was waiting for them at the open flap of their tent. His expression was sour to say the lease.

"Well, Maxwell if you're through playing with the dogs. We need to get on with this. Fitz fitted the manacles and straps to me, but he said he's not an electrician so you'd have to put in the transmitter and hook up the antenna and camera."

Duo ducked his head a bit. "Sorry, ‘Fei, it's just that I miss Binky."

Wufei smiled a bit. "Oh, I'm sorry if I'm a bit snappish. I kind of miss her too. She was . . . nice to pet." Wufei looked a little lost. "I think I'll go have a little work out while you do that. Take my mind off things a bit . . . if you don't mind."

Duo smiled gently at his friend. "Geez, like I mind. Go, work out. Take Zechs with you. He looks like he's about to puke." Duo moved over to Wufei and put his arms around his friend. "I don't mind you're bitchy. I'd be too under the circumstances."

Zechs joined the hug with Heero right behind him. They all stood with their arms around each other, Wufei in the middle for a few moments. Then they broke apart each man going to his own pursuit.


Zechs watched as Heero and Duo bent over the chains, heads together as they figured out exactly how they wanted to fix them. Then he went in search of Wufei.

He found him in the makeshift workout area. Zechs decided that Wufei needed to blow off some steam so he didn't go up to him, he just watched as Wufei took off his shirt and pulled something out of his pocket.

Wufei stepped into the middle of the makeshift ring and settled his mind. He was going to do an incredibly dangerous kata. The gathered men whispered between themselves, some of the more knowledgeable finally shushed them into silence.

When he was ready Wufei sprang into action and Zechs found out why Wufei had callouses //calluses// on his sides, shoulders and thighs. He was using his body as a stop for the chain dart.

The dart was nothing more than a surveyors //surveyor's// plumb bob attached firmly to a thin chain.

Wufei started by whirling the dart gently in one hand the dart circling gently at the end of its chain.

Then he threw the dart and snapped it back to his side, twisting he wrapped the chain around his torso. He did this several times. Then he started on the more complicated moves, throwing the dart while spinning, kicking and leaping. Several of the watchers gasped as Wufei flipped the dart out, pulled it back and wrapped it around his waist all while doing a horizontal spin kick. He did it again only with a back flip. He went through all the different movements possible, combinations of back flips, kicks, spins, forward flips, kips and jumps all the while the flickering dart danced around his body.

Wufei continued working with the dart, his katas becoming more and more complicated with each pass until it looked like he was doing a gymnastic exercise in the middle of a glittering ball.

It was a shock when he stopped. He just suddenly went completely still and allowed the chain to wrap itself around his arms then over them around his waist. Wufei stood for a moment breathing heavily.

Zechs picked up a towel and went to him. He unwrapped the chain and coiled it in his hand. Wufei took the towel from him and wiped his face. "Thank you. I feel better."

Zechs made a face. It was hard to describe it, a combination of love, despair, and anger. "I don't like this at all. What if . . ."

Wufei held up a hand. "We could ‘what if' until dooms day. I will do what I must as we all do. You'll wait until I come out again. Just as Heero does for Duo and Duo for Heero. Now stop it. Come comb my hair."

Wufei turned and headed for the showers with Zechs trailing behind. Mutters of wonder following them


Heero straightened up and rubbed the back of his neck. "I think that's got it. I need to see it locked. You sure that chain will do the trick?"

Duo nodded. "Yeah, I tested it twice. Better buckle the belt too. I need to see if the camera is hidden properly."

Duo went over everything for the third time. "I really need to see it locked too. Better call ‘Fei and tell him we need a fitting. See if you can't find something for Zechs to do. He's going nuts right now. Too much time to think. So . . ."

Heero nodded. "I know exactly how he feels. I always hated it when you went off on a solo mission. Drove me crazy too. I'll go see what I can do about something for Zechs. You go tell Wufei you want to chain him up."

Heero left as quickly as he could with Duo yelling after him. "Yeah! Thanks! Let me take the heat. Nothing like a pissy dragon to ruin my day. Coward!"

Heero hunted up Zechs and found him with Wufei in their tent. Wufei was changing clothes after his shower. Zechs was gazing at him with his heart in his eyes.

"Sorry to break in on this, but, Wufei Duo wants you to try on those transports to make sure everything still fits right and nothing shows. And I need you, Zechs, to do some work for me."

Zechs wasn't stupid, nor was he ignorant of the ploys commanders used to settle their men. But he didn't want to set //sit// around and worry either. Busy work was better than no work. "What do you need?"

Heero nodded to the HQ electronics tent. "Set up all the com equipment we're going to use. And stand over it. Don't let anyone touch it. Once we get it right on frequency, we don't want anyone messing with it. Got me?"

Zechs, remembering the trouble they'd already had, agreed readily and headed for the tent after a quick kiss from Wufei.

Wufei followed Heero out into the bright sun. "You know he's going to go mad if anything happens to me. Take care of him, please?"

Heero didn't try to pretend that he didn't know exactly what Wufei was thinking. "We're planning very carefully. But I swear if anything happens to you Duo and I will look out for him. As long as he needs us."

Wufei just nodded and grunted.


Duo stepped back and looked at Wufei. He checked carefully to see that the small transmitter was buried in the heavy weld of leg strap to cuff. The thin wire that was the antenna had been laid in a groove cut into the strap. They'd found that the wire couldn't be hidden in the chain. It was long enough this way. Duo was of the opinion that the transmitter was using the entire restraint system as an antenna. The camera was well hidden too. Attached to the back of the buckle of the waist strap it actually used one of the tang holes as an orifice. The lens was actually half the size of the hole.

Wufei stood patiently while Duo fussed and fiddled. He was well aware that all the fussing was an expression of worry on Duo's part. He absently rubbed at his stomach. It hurt worse than ever. He wished he could have some tea.

"You ok ‘Fei? You don't look so good . . . when this is all over, I'll give you a nice tea ceremony. Just like I did before. Ok?"

Wufei smiled at Duo. "That would be nice. I have the tea set you gave me in our rooms. Zechs really liked it when I had a ceremony for him. It was nice. We could all sit for it. I still remember it with great fondness."

Duo smiled gently at Wufei. "I never thanked you for all your kindness when Heero was gone. I nearly went nuts, you know. If it hadn't been for you, I'd have . . ."

Wufei put a finger against Duo's lips, thanking the gods that his hands were free for now. "Hush. You'd have made it. You know you wouldn't have done anything to make Heero's life difficult."

Duo sighed. "You're right. But thanks anyway."

Wufei stood still as Duo fastened the cuffs around his wrists. He waited as Duo stepped back and examined him. "Looks ok. I'll have Heero and Zechs check the feeds and especially the visuals. You might have to hold your hands in a specific way to keep from blocking the lens. We'll have to see about that."

"You seem very confident. Something is different. What is it? You've got a . . . secret."

Duo raised his eyebrow. "Yeah. Heero wants to keep it secret for a bit yet. I'll go along with him . . . for now."

Wufei eyed Duo. The grin on his face was contagious so Wufei smiled back. "It's a good one. I can tell. When will you . . . er . . . spill the bacon?"

Duo made a disgruntled face and covered his eyes with one hand. "Beans, Wu-Wu, beans. Spill the beans. As soon as we can sneak away."

Wufei snorted softly. "Well, I knew it was some sort of food. So we'll sneak off and you'll tell us what you've got up your sleeve. Swear."

Duo nodded solemnly. "I double Dutch swear. Turn around."

Wufei turned around and stood as Duo examined him from the back.

"How's it look?"

"Good, good. Just don't trip. You'll break your neck."

Wufei snorted, started to say something as he turned and tripped. His usual cat like grace was foiled by the chains at his feet and Duo caught him before he took a header into a nearby table. Duo refrained from saying anything.


Zechs calibrated all the equipment, fine-tuning it carefully. He checked the reception, the audio and visual channels and the backups. Then he tested them again.

Heero let him finish his work then called to him careful not to startle him.

"Zechs. How's it going? You done?"

Zechs looked up and frowned slightly. "Yes. Did you need something?"

Heero nodded curtly. "Come."

Zechs just got up and went with Heero. When he got that curt, it was important.

Heero led Zechs to their tent and just pointed. Wufei was leaning against Duo, obviously upset.

Duo just turned him over to Zechs with a slight sigh. Duo jerked his head at Heero telling him that he wanted to talk in private.

Heero went to Duo and put his arms around him. They all needed all the comfort they could get.

"Want to show them?"

Duo nodded against Heero's cheek.

"Was there any doubt that we would?"

"Not really. I just wanted to make sure."

Duo snorted softly in Heero's ear. He snickered softly then whispered, "You really want us cut off at the knees?"

Heero shook his head. "No. I'm sure they'll feel better. But we still need to keep it between just us."

Duo nodded. "Yeah. At lest as long as we can. Quatre knew we'd have to out the suits sooner or later. Wonder why now?"

Heero shrugged. "Rescue Relena and there will be more attention on that than the suits. Once the furor dies down the media will have inured the populace to the existence of the suits."

"And don't you just sound so . . ." Duo couldn't finish his snark as Heero kissed him silent.

Duo made a ‘uummpf' sound and butted Heero gently.

Zechs and Wufei were both watching with interest. Wufei rattled his chains and said rather sullenly. "I'll thank you to take these off for now. And quit having secrets. It isn't fair."

Heero just removed the shackles and laid them aside. He knew that Wufei would have to wear them for several hours and walk around in them before he could move easily. It wasn't going to be pleasant for him but he had to do it. He had to be ready when the chance came, whatever it turned out to be. Heero remembered J's training and wondered how to help Wufei. He would think it out on the way to the barn.

Duo smiled at Wufei. "Humor me, O great dragon. I'll wibble."

Zechs looked blank but both Heero and Wufei groaned. Wufei clasped his hands in front of his chest in a begging posture. "O, please. Spare me the wibble lip. Come on . . . hint?"

"Nope. Just put on your running shoes and follow us."

Wufei got out his sneakers and put them on. Heero noticed that Zechs wasn't putting on anything fit to run in. He poked Duo.

"Hey. That means you too, blondie. Come on. You need to see this too. Might ease your mind a bit."

Zechs quickly changed his dress boots for combat boots, more appropriate for running. Duo smiled at him.

" ‘S ok, ya know? We'll take ‘em out. Beat you all to hell, didn't we? Don't sweat it. I'm not." Duo made a scoffing face. "Much"

Zechs had to smile at Duo. He knew that if it could be done they'd do it. "I know. I just . . . feel so helpless. I never sent someone else in to do a job I wouldn't do myself. I fought with honor as best I could. This is just so . . ."

"Wrong. Using civilians. Even prisoners. Isn't . . . cricket?" Heero raised an eyebrow at Zechs.

"It is the epitome of dishonor. Warriors should settle things amongst themselves. Come. I want my surprise." Wufei nearly stomped his foot


They trotted through the woods with Wufei snarking at everything. He was hot, it was too dusty, his boots didn't fit right, the sun was in his eyes. He just couldn't be satisfied. No one said anything. He had a right to be pissy. He was literally going to put his head in a lion's mouth.

When they got to the barn Duo insisted on having both Wufei and Zechs cover their eyes. They did so and Heero and Duo opened the barn doors.

"Ok, you can look now."

Wufei blinked once and gave himself away completely. "Ay-ya!," the rest of the Chinese was too rapid for anyone but another Chinese to understand, but the expression on his face was priceless. Zechs just stood and gulped, blinking in amazement.

"Holy hell. It's . . . it's. . . where the hell did you get a Gundam and who knows you have it?" Zechs started to say more but all he could really do was close his mouth before he made a fool of himself.

Duo pulled him into a hug followed by Heero then Wufei. "I know . . . it's a real shock. But they're not Gundams." Zechs snorted inelegantly. "Technically. If it's not made of gundanium, it's not a Gundam. These are made of some new stuff Quatre developed. He's threatened to call it Relenium." That made Zechs laugh and broke his tension.

"I want to see. Is it ok? I don't have to ask who's piloting what suit. But . . . please?"

Wufei just mounted Deathscythe and explored the cock pit. Duo watched as he poked and commented. Heero climbed up behind Zechs and pointed out things of interest.

They spent nearly two hours with the suits acquainting themselves with the differences between their old suits and these new models. Zechs was especially interested in Neo-Deathsythe-hell, while Wufei wanted Neo-WingZero in the air. They contented themselves with running systems checks and walking the suits out into the open and then back into the barn.


After they returned to the HQ, Wufei allowed Heero to put the transport chains back on him. Heero helped Wufei learn how to walk and function in the chains. Wufei listened to everything Heero had to say and worked diligently to master the skills.

By the time Heero was sure Wufei could handle himself it was very late. They'd been working out for nearly four hours. Wufei was sweaty and tired. Heero was tired and worried, as they all were.

"Wufei, I want you to get a good nights sleep. Zechs, make sure that he does. Duo, you and I will be escort tomorrow so we need a good nights sleep too."

But going to sleep took some doing. By the time they were all asleep it was past midnight. Heero couldn't let go of Duo, who snuggled close, the narrow cot didn't allow much room although neither man cared. They were comfortable enough. Zechs lay flat on his back hogging the whole bed but it didn't make much difference to Wufei as he was on his stomach on Zechs's chest. They all slept until exactly 6:45am when Heero's eyes popped open and he nudged Duo.


" ‘M up." Duo mumbled as he burrowed closer to Heero, rubbing his butt into Heero's groin.

"Not now. We have to get up."

"No, I don't. Don't wanna. Have to give up ‘Fei if I do."

Zechs was of the same opinion but Wufei kissed him gently and crawled off him.

"We better go. The negotiator has been holding them off for the last day. They have to be getting impatient. And I want a decent breakfast before I go in. And a hot shower. Please? Come wash my hair?"

Zechs gave up. He would do anything for Wufei, especially now.

Duo grumbled his way out of the bed and followed Wufei and Zechs into the shower. Heero scouted around a little, realizing that they hadn't seen much of the locals for several hours. He was beginning to be angry when he heard someone talking in the mess tent.

"Just let those boys be. They're under a lot of strain and they don't need a bunch of local yokels messing with them. You want to help? Stay out of their way. They're literally sending that boy into hell. Anyone got anything to say?"

Heero walked in and said, "I do. I want to thank you all for your consideration. We're going to take care of the S's, eat breakfast and then send Wufei in. I'm sure he'll appreciate your good wishes. Just be quick about it. Ok? He doesn't need the strain of prolonged . . . um . . . fussing? Anything you have to say make it short. Thanks." Heero nodded curtly to the gathered men and left. No one said much, most of them leaving to go to their duties or eat.

Heero joined the others in the showers, taking quiet joy in washing Duo's hair for him. Wufei and Zechs traded the favor.

It didn't take long for them to finish washing and get ready to go to breakfast.


After a quiet breakfast during which even Duo was subdued they went back to the tent and Heero hooked Wufei up. Wufei managed to walk without tripping, due to Heero's teaching, and got into the jeep to make the drive to the gates of the prison.

Heero and Zechs helped Wufei into the passenger's side of the jeep. Duo settled himself in the driver's seat with Heero behind him. Zechs got in behind Wufei and wrapped his arms around him.
Duo started the motor and put the jeep in gear. He jumped slightly as Heero put one arm around him. He glanced over his shoulder at Heero who nodded. Wufei grunted softly. Duo stepped on the accelerator and moved out.

He had to drive through the exercise yard to get to where they took the road, if you could call it that, to the prison. They were all surprised to see everyone who wasn't on duty standing at attention in two neat lines on either side of their path. Duo pulled up, Wufei stiffened his spine and sat erect and proud. Zechs and Heero returned the salutes and they continued on their way.

The drive was short enough that they didn't have too much time to think about things.

When they reached the prison, the exchanges were all standing under armed guard ready to go.

Wufei stepped out of the jeep under Zechs's steadying hand. He settled himself and walked calmly to the head of the terrorist group. He stood looking at the man for a moment then at a hand motion, walked behind him to be taken into custody by two of the lieutenants. The last that the three pilots saw of him was his ramrod straight back as he was lead away.


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Last updated 1/15/2006