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Harry Potter
Disclaimer: I don’t own Harry Potter. I just borrowed some of the characters.
Rated: NC-17
Willow's long divider
He's A What? And
Animagus form

Harry Potter Drabbles Anamagus

I know Harry isn't an Anamagus, supposedly, but this came into my head and poured onto the paper.
Enjoy them for what they are.

He's a What?


Professor Snape put his pestle down with a soft thunk.

"Granger, this had better be important." He let his irritation show.

Hermione Granger dithered in the door for a moment, then blurted, "Harry's found his Anamagus form. You better come. I think he's stuck. And it's upsetting him."

Draco Malfoy, who'd been having a tutoring session, snickered. "Yes, I'm sure he is. He's probably a house cat. Rather disappointing for the boy who lived."

Snape just snarled, "Silence." He examined the contents of the mortar, decided that leaving it would cause no harm and stood up.

He picked up his wand and motioned to Draco to follow.

"Well, Granger, where is he? I'll see what I can do."

Hermione led the two Slytheryns to the dinning hall, explaining as they went.

"It was our assignment, you see. To try to find our natural Anamagus form, if we had one. I'm afraid that Harry was the only one who succeeded. Er . . . rather spectacularly."

"I see. And just exactly what is he?"

Hermione pushed the hall door open and pointed. "There!"

The young, green-eyed hypogryff blinked at them shifting uncomfortably from one foot to another.

Snape withheld comment with effort but Draco gasped, then muttered, "Bloody hell."

Hermione said as calmly as she could, "Definitely not a house cat."

Anamagus forms


Snape got Harry settled at one of the tables and ordered a house elf to bring tea. The return to his normal form had been a bit unsettling for Harry.

After Harry had managed half the tea in his cup, Snape sighed.

"Botheration Potter! Only you. A hypogryff of all things!"

Harry gave Snape a fulminating look exclaiming. "You think I picked it on purpose? Don't you think I'd rather something a little more useful? And what is your Anamagus?" He sipped his tea then muttered rebelliously, "Being a Slytheryn it's probably a garden snake."

Snape favored Harry with that sneer he reserved for students when they were being particularly thick.

"No. Not a snake. I'm well aware of the problems of having a large natural Anamagus form."

A small thud shook nearby students.

Harry blinked up at Snape. "Oh!"

The sphinx, Snape's Anamagus, gazed back at him without expression.


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Last updated 1/15/2006