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Home Page of Wallace Tilden Scherer

Lover of Beautiful Music and other wonders of God's Creation

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Hi! I'm Wally Scherer, and I live in beautiful Palm Beach County, Florida. I was born on December 24, 1945 at the Duke University hospital in Durham, North Carolina, at a time when my father was doing graduate studies at Duke in psychology. When I was five we moved to Richmond, Virginia where I grew up and graduated from John Marshall High School in 1964. At high school I was a member of the drama club, the Spanish club, the Chess club, and the wrestling team.

One of the strong musical influences in my early years was the choir director and organist at our church, Mr. William F. Schutt. I sang in any church choir available to me at my age. I played clarinet in the Highland Park Elementary School band, took piano lessons after 7th grade, and, during my senior year, played a leading part in the Gilbert and Sullivan operetta "The Mikado". After high school, I spent three semesters at Florida Presbyterian College, (now Eckerd College,) in St. Petersburg, Florida. I was also a member of the concert choir there.

After leaving FPC, and wishing to avoid the draft during the Viet Nam "conflict", I enlisted in the U.S. Navy where I served four years active duty aboard two destroyer tenders, the USS Yellowstone and the USS Tidewater. My main duties were in the Electronics division.

During my stay in the Navy, I linked up with The Navigators, a Christian organization specializing in discipleship. It was in my Navy days (1967) that I also learned of The Tabernacle Church of Norfolk, where I was a member between 1977 and 1999 until I moved to Florida.

On my last Navy cruise, to San Juan, Puerto Rico, I met Ruth Ann Moses, whose parents were missionaries there. We were married in 1970 and had three children, Judy, Chip, and Tammy. (Sadly, she left me after being married for 28 years.)

After getting married, I attended Ferrum Junior College in Franklin County, Virginia, where I earned an Associate in Arts degree in music. Then I transferred to Old Dominion University from which I graduated in December, 1974 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Music Education.

Following graduation, I worked briefly for my dad's business, Psychological Instruments Company, in Richmond, then moved to Roanoke, Va., where I worked in a music store and directed the choir at Grace Church. In 1977 we moved again to Norfolk where I worked as an electrician at Norfolk Shipbuilding and Drydock Company.

In 1979, in response to God's leading, our family moved to the beautiful country of Venezuela (see special links page) to work as missionaries under the auspices of TEAM. First we were house parents at Christiansen Academy, a boarding school for missionaries' children. Later we were church planters in Barcelona, near Puerto La Cruz on the north east coast. Our last assignment was at Ebenezer Bible Institute, in the beautiful Andean city of San Cristobal, where I taught music and my wife taught public speaking. We were also very much involved in the Buen Pastor Church.

Before leaving for Venezuela I began a course in piano tuning, repair, and regulation, finally completing it and being certified as a Piano Tuner/Technician in 1982. I practiced the trade part time until 1996 when I began full time. My business in Norfolk was called A-1 Piano Service. In August of 1999, I moved to Florida to be near my parents. I named the business A FINE TUNE.

In addition to tuning and repairing pianos, I also teach beginning piano lessons to children and adults.

On October 29, 2009, I married Victoria Monica Szule, whom I had known for several years through our mutual interest of singing with the Delray Beach Chorale. See some pictures of our Courthouse Wedding Here.



Areas of interest:

(NEW) Free Tickets - Story of a man who failed to get his free ticket
(NEW) Beautiful moving pictures of Angel Falls in Venezuela
Favorite composer
Favorite music radio station
Favorite Christian radio station
Favorite Christian legal organization
Favorite evangelist
Favorite science page

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