Kelly Carmody; I'm Special
Kelly Carmody; I'm Special

Sketching of Kelly Copyright Mitch Carmody 2002
All Rights Reserved

Kelly Carmody and Ernie the Cat

Why am I so special?

I'm special because

I'M ALIVE!!!!!!!

Kelly Carmody



From Kelly...

To Mom, Dad and Meg

The Light That Guides You

I didn't mean to make you cry

But you know I had to say good-bye

I loved you so and I know you know

I'll stay real close beside you

I'll be the light, the light that guides you

Look for the star the brightest one

That one that shines beyond the sun

I'll shine for you and see you through

With loving warmth and laughter

The tears will pass into a song

A song to echo your whole lifelong

Know I love you and I'll always be

The light that guides your fantasies

When you think of me please let it be

With rainbows and with laughter

The hurt will pass the love will last

Look for the light, the light that guides you

You gave me everything I could have wished

Your smiles your laughter and your kiss

You made my life a fantasy; my last days were ecstasy

Now I'll be the light, the light that guides you.

Song lyrics Copyright Laurie Pelnar

All Rights Reserved

Laurie Pelnar sang this song at Kelly's Funeral.

  <bgsound src="midi/anotherdayinparadise.mid" loop="5">

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Another Day In Paradise
Phil Collins
Thanks to midimachine; click link.

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"Letters To My Son"

"A Journey Through Grief"

is the Title of the Book Mitch

wrote in honor of his son Kelly.

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