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Thots-3(Feb, 23st, 4:57 PM, 2003)

This is my Window to the world, or something like that. its amazing how much worthless stuff i will say here, and how much you will read. i started this Thots number 3, this one. two days after, and two hours earlyer, than my last one. exactly to the minite. according to my comptuer time anyway. I asked my SilentGoddess if she had anything to say to the world and to quote her, she said "nope". I watched the first few episodes, 7 i think, of Serial Experiments Lain, an anime. it really makes you think. i like it. lots my train of thought. its back now, i think. the idea that there is another world, on the "wired" or "internet" was we call it, intruges me. the real world is just a hollogram of the "wired", simply proof that you exist. There could be more than one "you", one here, in the "real" world and one on the "wired". i supose all this would make more sense if you saw the anime. you should watch it. Serial Expirements Lain. Quite intresting. hmmm.
what else is there to say to the unlimited masses out there? not much worth saying id bet. but thats ok. a voice dosnt have to be heard for it to exist. Existing itself is sometimes enough. The fact that it CAN exist. sometimes its not enough tho. Sometimes the simple fact of existing does not satisfy wants. MY Economics teacher told us something thats quite true. He said in Economics there are no needs, just wants. He is right, and it includes more than just Economics. IN all life there is no NEEDS, simply WANTS. some wants are stronger than others, so strong they seem like needs. but indeed, they are just wants. strong ones yes, but wants just the same.
Some people say...what do some people say? wow. another train of thought suddenly prevails over all others. she wants me to hug her? hmm. could be. why else would she say i can hug her whenever i want? damnable fear! Damn pain in my stomach. i shall return. 5:13 break. back 5:16 for now. hmm. where was i? oh yes. damn neverousness. ~~sigh~~ oh well. hmm. well im out of things to say for the moment. so farewell for the moment untill i find more things to say!

FroggieMan(Feb, 23st, 5:20 PM, 2003)