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Hola. Again I write for no reason other than to write, or perhaps to let things free that I cannot let go. I wake up and think of her, she invades my every thought. One would think I would have lots of things to write and talk about, but nothing ever seems to come. Maybe because I think of her too much? Perhaps I should just back off a bit, let her sort things out, but be there if she needs me. So much easier to think up advice than do it.

Real life rarely has happy endings. I cant say never, because occasionally, there will be a happy “ending” in all the torment of life. I doubt my life will end happy, but if it does I welcome it. Alas…

My alarm didn’t wake me up again! 3rd day in a row I was supposed to work out but my body was like, nope, no wake up. Yesterday I had 6 or 7 heart attacks! Playing dead for EMT testing thingie. Yay.

Sometimes everything in life seems so pointless. Why do I seek her love so much? It seems the only reason I exist, but why. I don’t now or understand. Understanding is key, yet unimportant. I know enough to know what I know. I love her.

I just realized that I have no updated my Thots in a while, plus there not all on my new website, so, off I go for now.

Monty The Panda