All I Ask

All I Ask

Don`t judge me,
You don`t walk in my shoes.
Don`t assume things about me,
They may not be true.

If you love me,
Accept me as I am.
Accept me unconditionally,
You need to trust...or you may remain forever alone.

We need an open mind,
We also need an open heart.
If you can`t see beyond yourself,
You'll never be fulfilled with love

Don`t assume I don`t have feelings,
I probably cry more than you do.
Don`t accuse me of lying,
Because then I may think that you do.

Don`t make me promises,
You have no intention of keeping.
Don`t spew words of love,
If you really don`t mean them.

If you want to be my friend,
That`s fine with me.
I'd rather have a friend who`s honest,
Than someone pretending to be more.

Don`t tell me lies about yourself,
Don`t pretend to be more than you are.
Be honest because I don`t judge,
By looks, money or age.

My heart is open and honest,
I don`t play games.
I know that may seem strange nowadays,
But I like to think I'm not the only one.

September 19, 2002

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