
Heather Elizaabeth, my second daughter of three,
I want you to know that you mean the world to me,
You give me such happiness, such joy, such love,
You remind me of a beautiful snow white dove.

Just like a growing baby bird,
You're anxious to try out your wings,
And though it saddens mee at times,
You want to see what life brighs.

I wish you would take your time,
Slow down and don't be in such a hurry.
I guess I'm just like every Mother,
I just sit at home and wait and worry.

The day will come when you leave the nest,
I just hope that it doesn't come too fast.
Even when you're grown, I will still worry,
Just as I always did in the past.

Even when you meet your Mr. Right,
You'll still be in my heart too.
This may seem like mush right now, but,
I just want you to know that I Love You.

Do you ever wonder if I'll ever stop worrying?
The answer of course is, Never.
I'll always, always, always Love You,
You'll be in My Heart Forever.


I wrote this for Heather August 1989,
when she was 16. She is 28 now and has
found Mr. Right, and they are getting
married August 24, 2001.

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