Innocence Lost

Innocence Lost

A little girl,
Innocence lost.
I'm the one who paid,
And look what it has cost.

Fear of being too close,
Fear of angry men,
Because if a man is angry,
It may happen again.

Fear of commitment,
Not believing anyone can love me.
Because it may not last,
I've lots of baggage you see.

Do these men not realize,
Or do they not care.
That what they`ve done to a little girl,
Will take a long time, if ever, to repair ?

One has just recently passed on,
The other 2, I don`t know.
Should I feel sad at his passing ?
My inner child says no.

It will take me time,
To sort through how I feel.
I need to figure out,
How with this to deal.

Now he'll be standing in front of God,
I'll let him handle it.
He will pass his judgement,
As he sees fit.

July 19, 2002

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