

She knows the meaning of being alone..
for even amidst those she calls friends
she feels the chokehold Darkness has on her - the true
loneliness - knowing that none know her as well as
they'd like to think they do.

She has to keep them at arm's length..
so that no one gets close enough to know her secrets,
to realize she's not this Goddess, this perfectly
unblemished Jewel. The mask is just that;
a beautiful, icy cold facade.

There's an infinite sadness about her..
as if she once believed in the lie,
and then had to watch her self made world - her prison -
come crashing down around her shoulders..
as if.. those she trusted most with her secrets betrayed her,
defiled her dreams ... and left her Shattered.

And so nothing but the mask remains...
the empty shell of a heart hardened woman.

Author Unknown

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