So Lonely

So Lonely

So Lonely

Crushing sadness is sometimes overwhelming,
Loneliness seems a way of life.
Am I destined to be alone ?
I'm not asking to be anyone`s wife.

I want to feel someone`s love,
To know someone cares about the ME inside.
Not someone who'll just use me,
And then toss me to the side.

No stupid head games.
No phony come on,
I'm not here just for your pleasure,
I'm sick of phonies, liars and those that con.

Is there anyone who realizes,
That I have feelings too ?
All I want is to make someone happy,
And to be happy with him too.

To appreciate the ME inside.
Is that too much to ask for ?
To see below the surface,
Or is that too much of a chore ?

Looks have nothing to do with feelings,
Looks fade with time.
Wrinkles replace smooth lines,
As age makes it`s climb.

The hand of loneliness,
Grips tighter at my heart.
I feel there is no one,
Who wants to begin at the start.

I want someone to hold me in his arms,
I long for someone to cuddle me.
To truly mean it from his heart,
When he says he loves me.

It seems no one wants to bother,
To take the time to know someone.
I guess this sadness will stay with me,
And I will always have no one.


September 23, 2001

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