A Third Ancient Conversation With Leanne

This conversation involves a secret code! It's amazing! ...Well, only if you're me and you actually care...

MissEblis: hehehehe....
MissEblis: oh leanne......
imapezdork: ade?
MissEblis: nope.
MissEblis: how would you like your own

imapezdork: uh what?
MissEblis: your very own background....
MissEblis: this isn't ade, but you know me
imapezdork: what does that supposed to mean?
MissEblis: um....think balloons in monroeville
imapezdork: nonono, what does "your very own
background" supposed to mean, i know who you
are dummy

MissEblis: Oh, and who am i, then?
imapezdork: megan!
MissEblis: good!
MissEblis: smart little leanne girl
imapezdork: yay :)
imapezdork: hehe nice name
MissEblis: I like Eblis!
imapezdork: yay
MissEblis: He's Eblis...Eblis O'Shaughnessy!
imapezdork: hehe
imapezdork: irish?
MissEblis: He's one of Ade's Childers
imapezdork: yay
imapezdork: is he an irish childer
MissEblis: yep!
imapezdork: yayaya
MissEblis: He has a phobia of butterflies
imapezdork: woah
MissEblis: yeah
imapezdork: so how are you? we havent talked
for a while

imapezdork: i left presents in yer guestbook,

MissEblis: i know! Where where you?
MissEblis: The whiskey bottle?
imapezdork: ive been here
MissEblis: Why'd you sign my guestbook 7

imapezdork: it kept messing up! i was gonna
kick it

MissEblis: hehehe
MissEblis: no violence, now
imapezdork: okay i promise i wont kick your

MissEblis: Okay. no biting, either.
imapezdork: okay i promise
MissEblis: Okay, no scratching now....
imapezdork: hehe nothing, ill kiss it
MissEblis: awwwww....
MissEblis: r u in love?
imapezdork: yesss with your guestbook!
MissEblis: Will you get married????
MissEblis: Can I come to the wedding?
imapezdork: sure!
MissEblis: whoo hooo!
MissEblis: What do u want as a wedding

imapezdork: hehe PEZ

MissEblis: pez is fun
imapezdork: ya yes it is
MissEblis: hehehe...here's your present

MissEblis: d'you like it?
imapezdork: awww your so nice
MissEblis: hehehe...
MissEblis: now you can put it on your page!
imapezdork: your such a nice girl hehehe
MissEblis: And it's cool!
imapezdork: okay iwill :)
MissEblis: hahaha
imapezdork: yay
MissEblis: Did you draw a perty picture of the
sai baba's?

imapezdork: where?!?!? where?!?!
MissEblis: Did you?!?!?! Did you!?!?!??
imapezdork: yesyesyes!
MissEblis: OHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!
imapezdork: oh wait no i didnt
imapezdork: im so dumb
MissEblis: Awwwww....
MissEblis: did saibaba.com ever write you

MissEblis: they didn't me.
imapezdork: they didnt write me either :(
MissEblis: awwww
MissEblis: :-(
imapezdork: dumhjeads!
MissEblis: i know
imapezdork: ill kick them!
MissEblis: and bite them and scatch them!
imapezdork: :) i signed yer guestbook ahgain!
MissEblis: yay!
MissEblis: which one?
imapezdork: the only one i ever sign hehe
MissEblis: ah
MissEblis: more whiskey pictures?
imapezdork: nono
MissEblis: okay then
MissEblis: kathy is accusing me of doo doo

imapezdork: you were, i know it
MissEblis: i was not!
MissEblis: hah!
MissEblis: never!
MissEblis: I never doo doo doo.
imapezdork: suree
imapezdork: okay i believe you
MissEblis: lalalal
MissEblis: lala
imapezdork: blahhh
MissEblis: bob
MissEblis: bob is dead
imapezdork: skankin bob
MissEblis: :-(
MissEblis: poor bob
imapezdork: grease bob
imapezdork: not bob
imapezdork: ded bob
MissEblis: ded bob?
MissEblis: poor bob!
MissEblis: I loved him!
imapezdork: yes
imapezdork: he died
MissEblis: awww
MissEblis: is supersteev alive?
imapezdork: yes
imapezdork: of course! im married to him
MissEblis: awwwww
imapezdork: ya
MissEblis: i'm making you another present
imapezdork: yayaya!
MissEblis: hehehe
MissEblis: lalalalal
MissEblis: dadadadadadadadadadadada
imapezdork: wow you sing
imapezdork: lalalala
imapezdork: singing is fun

MissEblis: there
MissEblis: another present
MissEblis: it's another background
imapezdork: wow thankyou
imapezdork: so my friend is reallly bored, how
can i make him unbored?

MissEblis: by singing to him!
imapezdork: hehe hes singing to me
MissEblis: awww....
MissEblis: brb
imapezdork: okayyyyyyyyyyyy
imapezdork: i think i scared heather?
MissEblis: she's trying to figure out what you're

MissEblis: i told her you were singing
imapezdork: hehe
MissEblis: lalala
imapezdork: iny! Iny! INY! yin mooooooo kets
way inop!! thats what i just said to her, heh

MissEblis: MissEblis: Iny=Any. yin
mooooooo=yinmu kets=Stories way=probably
'bring my way' inop=immediately

imapezdork: hehehe
MissEblis: you want yinmu stories
MissEblis: HK2swsh: now leanne isn't making
sense, silly her
MissEblis: what's she saying?
HK2swsh: i don't know
MissEblis: you don't know? But she said stuff.
HK2swsh: but its just random letters
MissEblis: ohhh
MissEblis: brb
HK2swsh: iwnao!!! IWNAO! kot er woyta? -
says leanne, is there some code to this? can you
help me figure out what she's saying, if anything
MissEblis: oh. she's singing
HK2swsh: what does it mean? what does this
mean? iny! Iny! INY! yin mooooooo kets way

imapezdork: hehehe
MissEblis: you have your own code
imapezdork: lol
MissEblis: only the really smart people (Like
me) figure it out.

imapezdork: hehe
imapezdork: npo fair!
MissEblis: npo=no
MissEblis: fair=fair
MissEblis: See, aren't I smart.
imapezdork: mmm
imapezdork: ya
MissEblis: Your code is best said outloud,
where it sounds like actual words

imapezdork: ya
MissEblis: iny-any
MissEblis: see?
imapezdork: yer pretty smart
MissEblis: code is fun
MissEblis: yer the one who made it up
imapezdork: yesssss
MissEblis: so, write more messages
imapezdork: i have been
imapezdork: i think im confusing her
imapezdork: heheh
MissEblis: hmmmmmmmmmm..........
MissEblis: can I try and write stuff in yr cood?
imapezdork: yes
MissEblis: dumtete. IOYWAnnA ngo petti!
imapezdork: opy vey UNOAS!
MissEblis: opy vey sounds like pig latin
MissEblis: vey opy
MissEblis: vopy
MissEblis: very?
imapezdork: wow shes understanding me now,

MissEblis: UNOAS
MissEblis: UNOAS U-No-as?
MissEblis: U-know-us?
MissEblis: but that doesn't make sense
MissEblis: with very u know us.
imapezdork: blah
imapezdork: yopu dont know the code,

MissEblis: UNOAS=good?
MissEblis: saonu?
imapezdork: NO!
MissEblis: un oh as....
imapezdork: you dont know it, muhahhahaha
MissEblis: or maybe it's.....
MissEblis: U=You
N=not or know
O=other, another
S=secret, silly, stoopid.

MissEblis: A
imapezdork: noe nie
MissEblis: No!?!?!?
MissEblis: but...what is it, then.
MissEblis: i've said it and it doesn't make sense
that way

imapezdork: ah ha only *i* know
MissEblis: U-no-as
MissEblis: Wait a minute!
MissEblis: It sounds like unos
MissEblis: like spanish
MissEblis: maybe?
imapezdork: nope
MissEblis: unoas saonu sao new so new?
MissEblis: maybe?
imapezdork: khtak = dUMew!
MissEblis: dum we? We're dum?
MissEblis: Only khtak sorta sounds like kathy
MissEblis: so kathy yrdum instead of kathy
we're dumb?

imapezdork: hehe yrdum
MissEblis: So you are calling kathy a dumhead.
MissEblis: no surprise there
MissEblis: are you threatening heather?
MissEblis: you are, aren't you.
imapezdork: of course not
imapezdork: :D
MissEblis: lieve em er ied!@ sounds like
believe him (me) er (or) ied(die)

MissEblis: you are threatening her.
MissEblis: dab stoopidtete
imapezdork: nonono
MissEblis: Are we having a party at

MissEblis: COOL!!!!!
MissEblis: I wanna come!
imapezdork: yesssss
MissEblis: can i come!?
MissEblis: whoo hoo!
MissEblis: you = dUMew!
imapezdork: nah you cant come
imapezdork: j/k
MissEblis: kathy=yhtak
MissEblis: or your misspelling khtak
imapezdork: im not telling : D
MissEblis: ti si=it is
MissEblis: lieve em er ied!@ believe me or/er

MissEblis: see.
MissEblis: you threaten, but then you party