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In dimly lit fog-blanketed streets
A devil in disguise by shadow creeps
One fearful night
Surrounded by the social blight
The murderous monster strikes
Wielding surgical knives

Under the full moon's frosty glow
His brutal blood lust grows
Another victim's butchered like swine
Not just any old East End crime
One more lady of the night disappears
London is gripped with frenzied fear

Detectives puzzle over half-clues
Not to blame are the Jews
Unanswered questions
No murder weapons
Such outrageous speculations
A butcher from another nation
Taunting letters mock police

The murderous rampage ceased
No sinister confession uttered
Murderer's body undiscovered
Forever justice is starved
Chilling reminders carved
In Whitechapel’s heart of infamy
A diary of death incomplete

Copyright 2005, Alexis Child. All Rights Reserved

“One day men will look back and say I gave birth
to the twentieth century.”--Jack the Ripper

Published in Niteblade Magazine-Sept./07


*Poem reprinted in Lost Innocence:
A Niteblade Anthology 2007-2008*


Reprinted in Issue 17-Oct./07
Whispering Spirits Digital Magazine

*& reprinted in the summer edition
2015, Black Petals #72*

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Copyright © 2005-2019 Alexis Child. All Rights Reserved.

All material is copyright. It may not be stored, displayed, published,
reproduced, or used for any other purpose without permission of the Author.