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The hunter raids dens
Collecting nocturnal emissions
From skins of willing prey
In the gathering darkness
Shapes himself a body with horns
Thrust upwards in defiance of heaven
Endowed with motion and icy seed
Rouses sleeping females
Excited as an awakening city
Riding among the leaders in charge
Restless and bored is the devil these days

The physician suggests trickery
Chimera, the invention
Of hysterical women
Prone to perverted imaginations
The church is concerned
About the nature of women
What incubi inject
Into witches womb's
Little, to no concern about nuns
Devoted to the expression of gratitude
I shan't deny giving in
Devils need direct encouragement

Copyright © 2005, Alexis Child. All Rights Reserved.

Previously Published in April 2006
Sinfully Twisted Magazine-Issue #2
Reprinted in The Horror Zine
March 2012

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Copyright © 2017 Alexis Child. All Rights Reserved.

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