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Dead to the sun
The sacred beast
Howls shadow moon
Wolf mantras
Bearing witness
To killing the blind self
Moaning wisdom
On punishing ground
Sheltering pain

The shaman is hurled
Into shifting trance
Rites of change
Wheels turning
In wild song and dance
Strange gods reunite

Exploring the maze
Of savage fate
Eagle wings shadow
Shared journeys
Bending to will
Winds of heights
The river carves
Our totem blood harvest

The magician of
Atavistic resurgence
Thunders trance archaic
Devil-gods to the civilized
Ghosts of madness
Shape-shifting motifs
Lost song for a dead time

Copyright 2006, Alexis Child. All Rights Reserved.

Previously published in Mystic
Prophet Webzine, March 2007

*In Dedication To: Cree Spiritual Elder/
Medicine Man, Vern Harper 'Asin'*

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Copyright © 2017 Alexis Child. All Rights Reserved.

All material is copyright. It may not be stored, displayed, published,
reproduced, or used for any other purpose without permission of the Author.