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I wait for the day to end
Only it sticks like a thick residue to my skin
But when finally peeled off it will be night

My eyes will open and a flight of birds
Will begin their slow ascent
The hairs on my neck will stiffen

On wings of black we will ride undaunted
Through the gray sleet of mourning
In a dream I saw that humanity is about to die:

We will all arrive the color of jet
Today's children carrying the generations
Wasted and dried to an enigmatic dust

Tar covers lost and forgotten faces
In a procession of libations
To the ebbing of a fading life-force

Why do we wait so long before saying goodbye?
Fate's eternal time-bomb ticking
As we cling to a mystical faded memory

I have never belonged to the light of this day
It only a methodical wandering through surface dust
Anxiety exploding in the cellar of my heart

There are no spaces still untouched
No undiscovered sanctuary in some small place
Yet on tonight's dark wings I will find my peace

But until then come lie with me
In this familiar dark place and we will wait
Together until this last day has undone itself

Copyright © 1997, Alexis Child. All rites reserved until the worms crawl in...

Previously published in Skin and Bones Webzine 2001

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Copyright © 2017 Alexis Child. All Rights Reserved.

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