animated lady crying


Coal-black eyes burn like an inner volcano
as they come alive. From their crumbling
depths are the murky waters of madness,
caught in a relentless tide. An echoing voice
of unpleasantness lingers in the air, laced with
tragedy, and all things the gods despise.

Dark orbs open to immortal worlds, holding the
grief of ages; entire civilizations that fell and rose
again, the misery of mortality, bloody battlefields,
charnel houses, the wrath of forgotten deities,
secrets unlocked, collapsing stars, visions of a
dying world -- all live within those eyes, urns
that contain the ashes of innumerable woes.

Copyright 2006, Alexis Child. All Rights Reserved.

Published in Theatre of Decay
Issue #4 October 2006

Reprinted in Deadman’s Tome
February 2011 Issue

& Featured in The Horror Zine
April issue, 2015

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Copyright © 2017 Alexis Child. All Rights Reserved.

All material is copyright. It may not be stored, displayed, published,
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