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"Well this is me

wearing my Medal Of Honor."

That I recieved for one of my poems.

"A little bit about me."

I was born in Boston Mass. I am married to a wonderful
man named, Vincent. I am the mother of seven children,
4 step children, whom I love just like my own, I have
30 grandchildren, which include twins born Oct 31, 2002 and
3 great grandbabies. I attended Lynn public schools.
I started writing poetry at the age of ten. My first poetry
book was published in 1992, by the Plowman of Canada entitled,
"Dreams of Tomorrow". In 1994 I won the editors choice award,
for poetry, by the creative poetry associates. I was selected
International Woman Of The Year in 1996-97 by the
International Biographical Center of Cambridge England, in
recogniton of my services to poetry. My poems are in
three Anthology books. My poetry will also appear in a book
entitled "Out Standing Poets of 1998". I also won the medal
of honor for out standing poetry from Cambridge England.
plus several awards for poetry from different countries.
I was also honored for my poetry from the u.k.
They sent me a trophy for excellance in poetry.I share my
poems for all to see in the Ware River News. I am also
a songwriter. I received a certificate of honor from
the Jeff Roberts Music Company. I have two songs
on a cassette called "Together We Stand". It is about
the Oklahoma City bombings by Hilltop Records in Calif.
I also have a song called "A Memory I Can't Erase",
which was done by Ramsey Kerny of Nashville Tenn.
In 1994 I created a character called "D J Dynamite".
It is a children's book for all ages the stories of "D J Dynamite"
will delight children from all over the world.

This is the Trophy that I received.

This is a book the was published
in Canada and contains 21 poems that I wrote .

In this a book that is in the Library of Congress,
is a poem that I wrote about Lady Dianna that.

This Published book of poetry gave Honorable
Mention to my poem "May this be the Year".