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This page is dediacated to my wonderful sister-in-law,
~Alice Rose Jackson~
who lost her life to this dreaded disease that claims
many women's lives every year

Every 3 minutes a woman somewhere in the U.S. is diagnosed
with breast cancer. Every 11 minutes a woman dies of this
disease. If every woman examined her breasts monthly
and got mammograms at the recommended time intervals, 15,000
women's lives would be saved in the U.S. each year.

9 out of 10 cases of breast cancer are detected by the women themselves.

With early detection there is a 97% survival rate


As you may be aware, the US Postal Service recently released its new "Fund
the Cure" stamp to help fund breast cancer research. The stamp was designed
by Ethel Kessler of Bethesda, Maryland. It is important that we take a
stand against this disease that kills and maims so many of our mothers,
sisters, friends. Instead of the normal $.37 for a stamp, this one costs
$.45. The additional $.08 will go to breast cancer research. A "normal"
book costs $7.40, this is $9.00. It takes a minute at the Post Office and
means so much.


The Third Friday in OCTOBER is National Mammography Day
In September, several national organizations will have
the list of facilities that participate in
National Mammography Day. To learn which facilities
in your area are taking part in the event, call:
American Cancer Society (800) 227-2345
The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation (800) 462-9273
National Alliance of Breast Cancer Organizations (NABCO) (888) 80-NABCO
Y-ME National Breast Cancer Organization (800) 221-2141